Work in Progress


Beta Tester
I am working on the Pulpit Commentary with Brandon. I am waiting for some files from Gary Gallant who created it for Online Bible previously.
Pulpit Commentary ---- Re: Work in Progress

One of the best features of SwordSearcher IMHO is the text lookup ability. Everything is uniform - no matter how I list a text whether Psalm 1:3 or Ps 1:3, it formats it correctly for me and a search for Ps 1:3 brings it up as well as everything that lists Ps 1. A great feature I think! No other program I know of will do this.

So many times I see works that have such things as ver 1 or v. 1 or such. I go to the trouble to format that as Ps 1:1 so that a search will reveal it. I think a work worth doing is worth doing right.

Well, legal or not I don't know but I have begun taking the work that has been done on Pulpit Commentary and some other books (such as the book of Esther wich I got from the internet) and have started formatting them as I mentioned above. Also, I have taken the homilies from Pulpit Commentary and have put them in the books section under Homilies and am indexing them according to the text and the person - such as Forsyth. So Ps 2:1-12 by Forsyth would be indexed as Ps 2:1-12 - Forsyth. I know that Ps 22 will sort right after Ps 2 somewhere but it is just a little bit too much trouble and/or too bungled or complicated to list Ps 2 as Ps 002.

Is there anything wrong with doing my version of this work? I'm not trying to be critical of anything anyone else has done at all but just think I'm trying to simplify all this if I can. I soon got away from trying to make the Hebrew and Greek characters appear correctly. The Greek is difficult enough but the Hebrew is just absolutely impossible for me. :) I wonder if there is a Greek and/or Hebrew font that would work with SwordSearcher - anyone know?

I don't know how far I will continue with this work on Pulpit Commentary - it is a humongerous undertaking and I may just give up at any time. Is there some way we can all get together on this project? I'll be glad to consider whatever anyone might have to offer toward a co-operative effort on this.

Re: Pulpit Commentary --- Re: Work in Progress

I wrote:

<<I soon got away from trying to make the Hebrew and Greek characters appear correctly. The Greek is difficult enough but the Hebrew is just absolutely impossible for me. I wonder if there is a Greek and/or Hebrew font that would work with SwordSearcher - anyone know?>>

I have just used the OLBGRK font on something and it looked ok as best I could tell. The PCSB Greek and Hebrew fonts don't seem to be the right answer. By the formatting in the PC (Pulpit Commentary) work already done, it looks like the Greek was formatted for Online Bible (as best I remember Online Bible's formatting).

So, I figure I will just continue trying to use the OLBGRK font for the Greek words.

I expect to have the text file(s) for the Pulpit Commentary at some point. I think it will be an easy conversion from OLB to SS once files are available. Brandon offered to do the conversion programatically. The homilies will be part of the commentary on the first verse in the range to which they apply.
If Bill can get the files we're waiting on, the actual conversion will be relatively easy. I'll do it programatically. There may still be some cleanup to do after that, but the "hard part" will already be done.

Regie, if I were in your shoes I'd hold off on doing anything with the Pulpit Commentary unless Bill and I can't follow through on our plans.

As for legal issues, the Pulpit Commentary text is in the public domain. As long as you're not working with someone's modified text (well then it wouldn't be the Pulpit commentary any more, would it? :???:), you should be able to do anything you want with it. (I am not a copyright attorney and this is not legal advice. ;))
I am working on the Pulpit Commentary with Brandon. I am waiting for some files from Gary Gallant who created it for Online Bible previously.

This is one of the most exciting developments for SS. Kudos to Bill and Brandon!