Works From Other Authors

Pastor Langley

Active Member
What is the general practice on "cited or copy/paste from others"? Meaning when "so many" use different Bible versions, and the text is not KJV.
My practice is to "ALWAYS" convert to KJV. [For Personal Use]. If it is their work, and you cite the work, can one simply make a notice saying " this Bible Text is from "ABC" and not "KJV"? Mainly, with respect to making a book module, what do others in SwordSearcher do?
It seems that the easiest way is to place a "example notice" as follows?
It is important to note that not all views expressed by the author are necessarily shared by the reader" or "Please be aware that the opinions presented in this text may not reflect the reader's perspective" to clearly indicate that you are not endorsing every point made by the author.
I have noticed that when the text is BLUE inside the editor it is a reminder (of this I am thinking). Guesing that this means that it is not KJV text. Because the text changes to GREEN when changed to KJV text. I like that in SwordSearcher too.
Example: Hope this is explained...
Original Copy paste scripture text BLUE- “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me” (Ps 50:15). (other versions)
SS Copy paste from SS text scripture GREEN - “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. Psalm 50:15 (KJV)”.
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Notice the text Scripture COLORS a the end.
Original copy paste from another source:

Copy paste from SwordSearcher to correct:

My observation is SwordSearcher has a "built in" power to detect the very Scriptures, I love that I discovered this. Even if evryone else already knew it... Ha!
I have noticed that when the text is BLUE inside the editor it is a reminder (of this I am thinking). Guesing that this means that it is not KJV text. Because the text changes to GREEN when changed to KJV text. I like that in SwordSearcher too.

No, blue in the editor just means that it is a hardcoded link. It can be a link to anything. Hardcoded meaning the editor will not change it because it is already a link.

During editing, green dotted underline just means that the editor recognizes the text as a verse reference, and it will be linked in the module display panel, and it will use whatever Bible text you have configured as your default for verse popups, which is a dynamic setting you can change any time.

The behavior you are observing is just the difference between a hardcoded link and an automatic one.

In fact, you can easily have hardcoded links to the KJV. Just put the caret over a green dotted underline reference and press CTRL+T. It will hardcode the link as well as insert the full text.

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No, blue in the editor just means that it is a hardcoded link. It can be a link to anything. Hardcoded meaning the editor will not change it because it is already a link.

During editing, green dotted underline just means that the editor recognizes the text as a verse reference, and it will be linked in the module display panel, and it will use whatever Bible text you have configured as your default for verse popups, which is a dynamic setting you can change any time.

The behavior you are observing is just the difference between a hardcoded link and an automatic one.

In fact, you can easily have hardcoded links to the KJV. Just put the caret over a green dotted underline reference and press CTRL+T. It will hardcode the link as well as insert the full text.

Thank you Thank you, sir, that is so kewl. Another lesson learned from you and found that SwordSearcher can do. I understand what you said and what it does now! Shortcut saved.
That was such a great help, Just put the caret over a green dotted underline reference and press CTRL+T.
When I do this it BOLDS the inserted text.
The Scripture text was bold so on removal before I Ctr-T it is fine.
Is there a way to CAPITALIZE any selected text, or do we have to "use code" for that? Searched so far not found this item.
Is there a way to CAPITALIZE any selected text, or do we have to "use code" for that? Searched so far not found this item.
No, there isn't an automated way to change the case of text.