New profile posts

Hey, brother. God bless ya'll. I finally got around to logging in again. It's been a while.
Hi Ruthlyn. I'm writing you because I wanted to know how to have a private conversation. Looks like this is it! I can't think of anything in particular at the moment I need to discuss about doctrine with anyone, but I figured you might not mind a note from another woman Christian here. Thanks!
I've had this program since version three and never spent the time to avail myself of this resource. At first glance it seemed daunting to an old Cogger like myself. Changed my email because it was Latin and folks thought I was a bit (touched) for using it. Can't say my username is the best I could think up, but it is not out of arrogance; it is out of passion I guess.
Perhaps someone could give me a little advice. I tried to download the New Atonement Book but it is not showing up in the program. However the book is listed in the proper SwordSeacher User Module in Windows Explorer. there is 300+ KB so it is not empty. Did I do something wrong, or is there a problem with the program?
Thanks folks, I figured it out. It was there all along. Like to get to know some of you. God speed to everyone tonight.
Hi Bob,
I have followed all of your comments regarding how to install the files, but how do I get the Journal calendar to appear? Will it show under the Bible section?

Thank you for your help,
Hello Sir, I saw your post about the book of enoch. Were you able to find a sword searcher module of it yet, please?
Johnny NL
Johnny NL
NO, not as a module...
But I have it as a Kindle.
Hi. . .
Ye joined in 2007, at that time you had SS4 or SS5?
I am from Newfoundland, Canada... last city on the top right eastern side by the Atlantic.
Where you're from ?
Looking forward to dig in your module.
I am now in Abbotsford, BC. Was living in Kelowna, BC, in 2007. When I originally did my modules back then it must have been ss4. They needed to be imported. Now they are imported to 9.0, to whatever version the import makes them.
Johnny NL
Johnny NL
BC, Kelowna.... I've been there/thru every 10 days or so for 20 years. Truck driver, delivering Apple sauce, Mott's or Rougement, from MTL/QC, in all Safeways or grocery stores. Then heading down to California, USA for fruits and veggies back to MTL..... crossing Abb'/Sumas.....
What a small world after all!
Johnny NL
Johnny NL
Well nice talking to you Sir....
I do have a Skype #, in my profile.....
Looking forward to your modules.
Brother, do you have any of the old modules that were on Our website got hacked and I basically lost all of the old modules I had up there. Haven't had a computer for 10 years, so wasn't using Swordsearcher again until I got a new laptop recently.
Brother Mike
Brother Mike
Good day. No, I am sorry I do not.
After I asked you this, I realized that my webpartner still had the old versions of my modules saved. Imported into SS9 and uploaded now.
Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Brother, thank you for all the work and effort you put into this program. SwordSearcher has been an amazing blessing to me, and has helped me tremendously in my calling to be a Pastor/Teacher. God bless you
Hi, Regie,
I'm certainly interested in your Thayer's work. It is especially good that it's editable.
On second thought - I feel like you are one person who might get some good out of it now. I can send it and then when I get it just like I want it, I can send it to you again.

As you catch errors in it, maybe you can notify me and I can correct them. You can edit and share it as you like.
If I wait until I get it looking just like I want it, I figure I will indeed be an old, old man. It is on the way to you. If anyone else wants it as is, please let me know.
Got them! Thanks! I posted on the public forum.
God Bless you all for this Bible study system. I've been using it since 2016-always upgrading! Although I'm engaged in two Bible study courses, one by correspondence & another via classroom (both KJB), SS helps me in so many ways. Well, it's actually my THIRD! It's also great for Sermon notes, archiving ideas, refuting 'modern' bookstore trash etc etc. Thank you.
Ec 8:4 Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?

KJV...... NOTHING ELSE !!! period.