
User-submitted Apostacy Ver. 1.0
The Bible Warns in Acts 21:21, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Jude 12 - doctrinal, moral, spiritual...

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Pastor Langley

Active Member
Pastor Langley submitted a new module:

Apostacy - The Bible Warns in Acts 21:21, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Jude 12 - doctrinal, moral, spiritual...

Apostacy - After a repository search, there were very limited results. So I decided to upload this module. There are few research links, though most of this work is in text form. The span of works are from 1608 to present. Found in Ac 21:21 ἀποστασία and 2Th 2:3 ἀποστασία (apostasía) Strong's Greek Dictionary 646...

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Out of respect for Brandon, I have edited this response to hold my tongue. But I don't trust anything by Pink. If you would like to discuss or ask, please contact me privately.
Rev Tim, if you would like to Private Message me I would be happy to do so. I did a search on "Pink" - Forum search for Pink Please allow me any opportunity to explain your questions.
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Rev Tim, if you would like to Private Message me I would be happy to do so. I did a search on "Pink" - Forum search for Pink Please allow me any opportunity to explain your questions.
I don't feel a need to debate the man. I don't have any questions. Got all those settled on Art a long time ago. Blessings.
You are correct Pastor, but we do not have to participate in the destruction that follows apostacy if we keep our eyes in the Sword Searcher; then as Jesus said "If you love me you will do my commandments" (John 14:15). Christ instructed His apostles in John 20, "As the Father sent Me (with the Father's Words Deuteronomy 18:15-19) "So send I you." This extends to us today, as in John 17, the LORD, just before the cross, prayed to the Father first for Himself to get back His glory He had from the beginning with the Father, then prayed for His disciples because they had heard the Word from Christ, and finally Christ prayed for the people that heard the Word from the disciples - those who serve the LORD today. Let's get the Word out to everyone so those that will, will become one of the LORD's also.
I understand that certain commentators can spark strong reactions, but just a reminder, this forum isn't intended as a place to debate the authors or their work. Please try to keep on-topic. There is a lot of content in SwordSearcher and available in the module repository -- it goes without saying that nobody can agree with all of it. ;)
You are correct Pastor, but we do not have to participate in the destruction that follows apostacy if we keep our eyes in the Sword Searcher; then as Jesus said "If you love me you will do my commandments" (John 14:15). Christ instructed His apostles in John 20, "As the Father sent Me (with the Father's Words Deuteronomy 18:15-19) "So send I you." This extends to us today, as in John 17, the LORD, just before the cross, prayed to the Father first for Himself to get back His glory He had from the beginning with the Father, then prayed for His disciples because they had heard the Word from Christ, and finally Christ prayed for the people that heard the Word from the disciples - those who serve the LORD today. Let's get the Word out to everyone so those that will, will become one of the LORD's also.
Well aware, being doing that for 35 years, thank you for your response.
I understand that certain commentators can spark strong reactions, but just a reminder, this forum isn't intended as a place to debate the authors or their work. Please try to keep on-topic. There is a lot of content in SwordSearcher and available in the module repository -- it goes without saying that nobody can agree with all of it. ;)
You are correct sir. I will try to do a better job of biding my tongue.

God has now called to mind: James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 1:20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

Shame on me.