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Earth's Earliest Ages (Pember) [ghpEarthEA] 1.0
G. H. Pember. "Earth's Earliest Ages and their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy"

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Earth's Earliest Ages and their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy.
by G. H. Pember, M. A. (1837-1910). Fifth Edition.

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Module contents:
00. Preface
01. Introduction
02. The Creation
03. The Interval
04. The Six Days
05. The Creation of Man
06. The Fall of Man
07. The Trial and Sentence
08. The Age of Freedom
09. The Days of Noah
10. As it was in the Days of Noah
11. Spiritualism 1. The Testimony of the Bible
12. Spiritualism 2. The Testimony of History
13. Spiritualism 3. The Modern Outburst
14. Theosophy
15. Buddhism
16. Signs of the End
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
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