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The King James Version Defended (Hills) [HillsKJV] 1.0
Edward F. Hills' classic work defending the King James Bible and the Textus Receptus.

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Edward Freer Hills was a distinguished Latin and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Yale University. He also earned the Th.B. degree from Westminster Theological Seminary and the Th.M. degree from Columbia Theological Seminary. After doing doctoral work at the University of Chicago in New Testament text criticism, he completed his program at Harvard, earning the Th.D. in this field. He is also the author of Believing Bible Study.

This module has been converted from the electronic version of the King James Version Defended provided by the Christian Research Press in which this notice appears: "This book may be downloaded for personal use, with the kind permission of the Christian Research Press. This text is copyrighted and may not be reproduced for sale or profit."

Therefore, this module may not be sold or included in for-sale compilations of other products and may only be provided freely for download.

Copyright ©1956, 1973 by Dr. Edward F. Hills.

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Module contents:

0a. Preface
0b. Introduction - Textual Criticism and Christian Faith
1. God's Three-fold Revelation of Himself
2. A Short History of Unbelief
3. A Short History of Modernism
4. A Christian View of the Biblical Text
5. The Facts of New Testament Textual Criticism
6. Dean Burgeon and the Traditional New Testament Text
7. The Traditional New Testament Text
8. The Textus Receptus and the King James Version
9. Christ's Holy War with Satan
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Latest reviews

Excellent KJB defense! Thank you.