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Williams' Exhaustive Concordance of Bible Numbers [jgwNumbers] [Deluxe]

Williams' Exhaustive Concordance of Bible Numbers [jgwNumbers] [Deluxe]
Teach Us To Number

SwordSearcher tab: Books and Dictionaries > jgwNumbers
This is part of the SwordSearcher Deluxe Study Library.

From the preface:

God created numbers. His magnificent creation as well as subsequent human history is brimming with things that can be counted, weighed, measured and quantified from every conceivable vantage point. Our Lord in his infinite wisdom saw fit to record many thousands of these measurements in his holy word. Each instance of the Lord recording how many, how long or how much provides yet another example of the Spirit breathed words of God by which we are to live – words that “were written aforetime..for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Ro 15:4) This concordance is an exhaustive record of those numbers.
Copyright © 2012 by J.G. Williams, B.S., M.B.S., Ph.D.
Used in SwordSearcher with Permission.
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