My search and the above:
The Basic Rule: JPEG for Photos, PNG for Graphics
If you remember only one thing from this entire post, let it be this: save your photographs as JPEG format and your graphics (and screenshots) as PNG format.
Thanks Marty,
So sounds like the answer is if ONLY TEXT IN A MODULE, no need.
But if anything that has other (images, links, etc.) then create the "MouleAssets Folder.
The user editable modules we are blessed to build in SwordSearcher have a folder called (only if needed) not required {ModuleAssets}. This folder is only needed when images, and links are inside the module. If no images and no links then {ModuleAssets} is not needed correct?
What if we use...
Kewl, many preacher fiends ask me if very many use SS so did not know how to respond, now I can. I have gotten at least 30 people onto SwordSearcher so far. Now if they stayed dunno... Purchased a few Missionary Packs. Its about time to purchase for give away in 2024. I am very selective now...
Johnny do you know how many SwordSearcher users there are?
Is there a way to know how many is on this Forum?
And how many users of SwordSearcher is there?
Thanks for the reach out Johnny. Hey just loaded the ver. 5.0 last version of my First Module [AOCW} would love your opinion.
Many on the forum helped me with ideas and actual code and instructions to which I am very grateful.
Hope it is cleaner and better. I am learning more.
Go here funny you...
oops, tried this inside Bible module, this happened. Do I exit or did I make a permanant change? Help again... Rev. 22:14 of course if anyone is asking...
It has changed to underline so waiting to see what should do here. Just happened.
oops, tried this inside Bible module, this happened. Do I exit or did I make a permanant change? Help again... Rev. 22:14 of course if anyone is asking...
It has changed to underline so waiting to see what should do here. Just happened.