Search results

  1. Johnny NL

    2024 is SwordSearcher's 30th Anniversary! 😁

    This is what I got so far...since 2008. That is ALL the Modules from the SS page "Modules"(Free) + about 20 modules of my OWN. (MY comm./MY books) + Sorenson (Paid) Thats ALL in there...
  2. Johnny NL

    Quick way to re-format a complete module?

    yes... and it works very well... Amen
  3. Johnny NL

    2024 is SwordSearcher's 30th Anniversary! 😁

    Hello Sir... All the Books/commentaries in "Modules" Tab are for grab for free, and when you download them it tells you also the size. Do you mean you want the TOTAL size of ALL of them? let me know Sir.
  4. Johnny NL

    2024 is SwordSearcher's 30th Anniversary! 😁

    I do use a small laptop ONLY for SS9 bring around with me .... coffee shop, car... that I am always ready to use it to preach or teach. ALSO; this laptop has become a "back up tool" ... My SS9 is backed up 3x which is awesome. (laptop, one of them, ext HD in a fireproof safe second, and always a...
  5. Johnny NL

    User-submitted The Didache

    Just AWESOME !!!! Amen.....thank you Sir
  6. Johnny NL

    Video Creating Your Own Books and Commentaries

    It is SO nice to hear the "Voice of the creator"..... Amen! So many memories...loll
  7. Johnny NL

    Making a personal devotional/prayer module

    Amen... Praise the Lord for SwordSearcher 9.... INDeeeeeeeeeeeeeD, the BEST tool, period!
  8. Johnny NL

    Couple Requests

    OK, I get what you say.... NOW: . . you can adjust the "LINE HEIGHT:" by adjusting your "line space" with this function. I did use these functions to have the "perfect" view of my set up. I hope this help you.... Also.... F1 is a good help. Be Blessed.
  9. Johnny NL

    User-submitted The Gospel Alphabet by Samaritan's Purse

    Thank you very much Sir. Good work... Amen!
  10. Johnny NL

    I have a question about adding a new note for the first time

    And... the "after market" service is OUT of this world. Amen, Praise The LORD !
  11. Johnny NL

    Two Bible Panels?

    Could I buy a "second" license, and use it on my same computer, on my many multi-monitors? Just wondering...would it work ?
  12. Johnny NL

    Retaining modules during computer upgrades/changes

    Back up ...Back up .... Back up. your file: "SwordSearcher User Modules" MUST be backed up on a "flash drive" or an "external hard drive". ______THEN, you will download IT in the "NEW" computer. As an advice.... ALWAYS back up that file.....ALLLLLLL the time. (personnel experience taught me...
  13. Johnny NL

    books dictionares and commentaries

    Here is "my" list of Dictionaries. Make sure you have ALLLLLL the tabs you need in your panels... if ye don't wanna miss anything. Everything "lighted up" has something to do with your search ! ! !
  14. Johnny NL

    Newly created modules becoming uneditable?

    . . . And the "TOP MASTER" of the SwordSearcher "strikes" again..... Amen ! 😁
  15. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Linked Searches of Words Following the phrase "This is" in the KJV

    Hello kjvbible1611 Far from me "pushing" this as a "must", BUT I must say that the latest version has SO MANY new stuff since version 8. There are many new features that are SO wonderful. Also, I "use to" panic all the time, (people knows me....Loll) and I became a very good friend of...
  16. Johnny NL

    Love, love, love SwordSearcher!

    The optionS are limitless or UNLIMITED !!!! SS9 is "MY" source for the word of TRUTH
  17. Johnny NL

    Love, love, love SwordSearcher!

    I don't think Sir that you fully grasp/measure, the FULL extend of what you and The Holy Spirit have created, and changed SO MANY lives...!!! The "matter" is way, way more important than you may think. I am Amazed by your accomplishment and your "devotion" to the cause. You physically drove...
  18. Johnny NL

    Love, love, love SwordSearcher!

    I dunno what's ye talkin' about !!!!!! Lollll.