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  1. C

    Esther Chapter 10?

    Well My memory is going in some ways. And then with all bout CERN and stuff. I feel like the newer Bible versions are taking away from the word of God. Hey quick question. Do mind when I'm done with my project if I post it on the thread so people can see it? I think it could help some...
  2. C

    Esther Chapter 10?

    I was copying the Bible today and was on the book of Esther. I was kind of surprised to see that it was 10 chapters because I thought it was less. Well when I got to chapter 10, I copied and pasted the text. At first I thought it didn't copy and checked the program where I copied the text...
  3. C

    Spell check: --->>> Counsellor

    Do you know the difference between what's called the Pure Cambridge and other Cambridge texts?
  4. C

    Spell check: --->>> Counsellor

  5. C

    Having error with loading Bible Verses into Sword editor

    Brandon would you be interested in the text files when I'm done copying all the the verse references? Just wondering because maybe you could add it to the program. I'm not sure what reference Bible the Power Bible Cd used, and I asked them, but they never got back. Otherwise maybe I could...
  6. C

    Having error with loading Bible Verses into Sword editor

    ok. I understand it now. Thanks for the Help. I appreciate your programming because it helps a lot. The editor is helpful.
  7. C

    Having error with loading Bible Verses into Sword editor

    Here is another example. I'm copying text from the program Power Bible Cd into the Sword editor. Here the chapter is Exodus 40. In verse one of chapter 40, the cross verses reference, Ex 25:1-31:18. So if you load "Ex 25:1-31:18" the Sword editor will read it as chapters. So I can...
  8. C

    Having error with loading Bible Verses into Sword editor

    Hello Everyone. Hope you are doing well. I started off well loading verses into the Sword user editor. But when I got to Exodus that is when the trouble started. I loaded verses from Genesis and it worked well. Now moving onto Exodus it seems like the Sword program will have an error...
  9. C

    Ten Ideas

    thanks Hmlss and Brandon. Oh, and sorry about the background suggestion. I should have looked for it. I see that you can change the background color. I did find this for the TSK references Ps 4:5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD. - Mt 5:23 - listed...
  10. C

    Ten Ideas

    First, I want to say thanks for making the program. It's is very helpful. Here are my ideas. Some might already be part of the program. 1. Bible Audio With Text Video. Included Microsoft Fonts. Example. Large Scrolling Text while the verses are being read out loud. 2. Android and...