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    David Gay - Rom 11

    it more of a New Covenant Theology position, you can find more of his works at this site.
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    Believers Under The Law Of Christ 2016-09-27

    Ever since the Reformation, knowingly or not, the overwhelming majority of evangelicals have held a view of the Mosaic law (if they have had any view at all) which has been formed largely by John Calvin’s doctrine of its threefold use; namely, that the law (that is, the law reduced to the ten...
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    Assurance In The New Covenant 2016-09-27

    New Testament believers were assured, and were so right from the time of their conversion. Yet many believers today lack assurance. Why is this? According to the later Puritans, while assurance is possible and desirable, believers have to struggle long and hard for it, looking to their...
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    User-submitted Believers Under The Law Of Christ

    Ace Staggs submitted a new module: Believers Under The Law Of Christ - In addition, and in tandem with this, some deny the concept of progressive sanctification. Read more about this module...
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    User-submitted Assurance In The New Covenant

    Ace Staggs submitted a new module: Assurance In The New Covenant - New Testament believers were assured, and were so right from the time of their conversion. Read more about this module...
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    Christians Grow Old 2015-10-28

    In recent years there has been a healthy emphasis by Christians on the biblical concept of the family. A welcome concern has been shown in this important matter. The upbringing of children and the responsibilities of Christian parents have received much attention. All this is good. However I...
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    User-submitted Christians Grow Old

    Ace Staggs submitted a new module: Christians Grow Old - The elderly Christian within the family and the church: A biblical study Read more about this module...
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    User-submitted ROMANS 11 - David H.J. Gay

    Ace Staggs submitted a new module: ROMANS 11 - David H.J. Gay - 1.0 Read more about this module...
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    ROMANS 11 - David H.J. Gay 2015-09-16

    First, the apostle wanted to assert that God’s decree in election is absolute and irrevocable. Whatever happens in human history, in everything God works his sovereign will, and that will is to save all his elect (whether Jew or Gentile) through Jesus Christ. Nothing will ever thwart God in this...
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    User-submitted POSITIONAL SANCTIFICATION - David H.J. Gay

    Ace Staggs submitted a new module: POSITIONAL SANCTIFICATION - David H.J. Gay - Many Christians, alas, go badly astray over the question of assurance. Read more about this module...
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    POSITIONAL SANCTIFICATION - David H.J. Gay 2015-09-07

    The New Testament teaches us that in eternity God decreed to sanctify his elect in Christ. It further teaches us that the elect were sanctified in the death and resurrection of Christ. It also teaches us that the moment the elect sinner trusts Christ he is perfectly sanctified. In addition, it...
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    The Pastor:Does He Exist? by David H.J. Gay 1.0

    News headline: ‘Humpty Dumpty Strikes Again!’. What’s that? ‘Humpty Dumpty Strikes Again – in the Church!’. Let me re-phrase it: 'Believers Sustain Big Losses by Changing the Meaning of Bible Words'. Alice was confused. Humpty Dumpty explained: ‘When I use a word’, he said, ‘it means just what I...
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    Battle for the Church 1517-1644 by David H.J. Gay - Battle for the Church 15-17-1644 by David H.J. Gay

    I added the author of these books David H.J. Gay
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    User-submitted Battle for the Church 1517-1644 by David H.J. Gay

    Ace Staggs updated Battle for the Church 1517-1644 by David H.J. Gay with a new update entry: Battle for the Church 15-17-1644 by David H.J. Gay Read the rest of this update entry...
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    User-submitted Christ Is All: No Sanctification By The Law by David H.J. Gay

    Ace Staggs updated Christ Is All: No Sanctification By The Law by David H.J. Gay with a new update entry: Christ is All: No Sanctification By The Law by David H.J. Gay Read the rest of this update entry...
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    User-submitted The Pastor:Does He Exist? by David H.J. Gay

    Ace Staggs submitted a new module: The Pastor:Does He Exist? by David H.J. Gay - In this book, the words David Gay has in mind are 'pastor,' 'minister', 'clergy'. Read more about this module...
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    User-submitted Battle for the Church 1517-1644 by David H.J. Gay

    Ace Staggs submitted a new module: Battle for the Church 1517-1644 - 1517-1644 were momentous years in the history of the church Read more about this module...
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    Battle for the Church 1517-1644 by David H.J. Gay 2016-09-02

    1517-1644 were momentous years in the history of the church – from the break with Rome to the rise of the Particular Baptists. David Gay tells the moving story with clarity and passion. In these pages, the main characters are brought vividly to life. Many endured horrific sufferings – hunger...
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    Christ Is All: No Sanctification By The Law by David H.J. Gay 2016-09-05

    John Calvin inherited the doctrines of the medieval Roman Church. In particular, he inherited that Church’s view of the law of God, given to Israel through Moses on Sinai. Calvin took the Church’s teaching on this, as it had been developed by Thomas Aquinas, and tweaked it to produce a Reformed...