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User-submitted A Bible Study Form [ABblStudy] 2015-01-11
Bible Study Form [ABblStudy]

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I made a module for my chapter-by-chapter study for 2015 and thought I would share the form for anyone else who would like a structured study form.
I made the entries as "01 Genesis 01," "01 Genesis 02," etc.
Under 'Names of God,' I put all the names of God that are mentioned in the chapter with a link to the definition in Strong's Dictionary, then a brief description, i.e. "God - 'elohiym - Supreme God."
I put specific verse references with the note under 'Personal Revelations' - such as, Personal Revelations: God created the plants before they were in the earth. Ge 2:5.
I have only set up Genesis but will add the rest as I get to them. I should have copied the entries when I created them and could have put it here to save you some typing... sorry, I didn't think of it soon enough. If someone else does it, maybe they will copy and share. :)


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Looks good Marty, but I'm not seeing the module :oops:
marty submitted a new module:

A Bible Study Form [ABblStudy] - Bible Study Form [ABblStudy]

This is a form for keeping track of your Bible study. It has entries for Genesis only, but you can copy the form to new entries for the other books. I find that things stick in my memory longer if I write them down. This module has a couple of my notes. You should replace them with your own notes. Also, when you put a reference between the / slash marks, SwordSearcher won't abbreviate the name, which I did because it has more visual weight.

As you can see in the first couple of chapters, when...

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So what I did was

1. download the module to my user folder
2. open SS
3. click on the tab in Books & Dictionaries named "ABblStudy"
4. and then down arrow, if I want, to whichever chapter in Genesis that I am studying
5. right click in the panel
6. left click on "copy all"
7. then paste to Word.

Right? It works beautifully and I can make it a nice book to work from in Word. Then when I go through Genesis I can even print it up book-by-book, like one for Genesis, one for Exodus, etc. Awesome! Thanks, Marty, we are going to get a LOT of use out of this. It organizes your study, doesn't it, really well, and your thoughts. I like it!
I'm making entries for the rest of the books and will post it when I'm done, if anybody wants it. I'm using the editor in SwordSearcher to fill in the blanks, Terri. Then when I'm all through, I'll have it as a SwordSearcher resource - a journal. Any references that I make will show as previews, and I can use it for meditation. I'm not good at keeping a journal, as such, but I can do this. I usually go through the Bible so fast I miss stuff! This time I want to take my time. I wonder how long it will take me!
Well, I've read it through twice, first time actually was a bit slow because I had a huge Strong's book and since I was new to intense study I looked up everything, well, lots. Second time was a bit faster but, again, there were times I would spend a couple of days on one verse, even. By then of course I had SwordSearcher and it is awesome how much that added to my learning and understanding. Now my third time is very, very slow because I am marking up, making notes in margins, looking up (in Hebrew) just about every time I see the word "God" or "Lord" (without the caps) and writing it down in the margin, reading more commentaries, cross-referencing, etc. That is why your Bible study form is so neat, too - you can use it every time you read through, because every time you read any of the Word again you see something you didn't see the last time, and you can just add it into your notes, in your form.

One of these days I am going to be able to spend hours a day doing this, because you just get so caught up in it, don't you? And as we have spoken before, sometimes it is so, well, exciting. I can't explain it except that Jesus is the Word and so you are getting so much of Him into your spirit that, like you said, you just think you are going to burst. So now I am up to Psalms 119, which is so cool I am going to have to do it again, before I go on to Psalm 120. So much going on at work, not nearly enough time to spend in the Word. Keep me posted on your progress. I figure it doesn't matter how long it takes, right? Love you, sister!
I've posted the Study module with all the chapters in place; I don't think it's gone live yet. You still need to copy and paste the form to each entry after the first few, but the chapter entries are complete. I'd rather spend the time studying than pasting for all the chapters at once! I just discovered Gen 2:5 and it delights me to think of it! Our Creator is AMAZING!

SwordSearcher has certainly cleared those big commentary and dictionary volumes off my table!
Nice work Marty, thanks! ;)
...And as we have spoken before, sometimes it is so, well, exciting. I can't explain it except that Jesus is the Word and so you are getting so much of Him into your spirit that, like you said, you just think you are going to burst.

This morning I found this in my Psalm 119 study, verse 103:

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

That says it better. Of course :)

And thanks again for the further work you put into the form, sister :)
I have so much floating around in my mind and in going through Proverbs some insights came to me one morning during my devotions, but I did not have any means of recording them at the time. So I foolishly told myself I would remember o_O. And the rest as they say is history. Now I have something at my fingertips. Thanks Marty :)
I have so much floating around in my mind and in going through Proverbs some insights came to me one morning during my devotions, but I did not have any means of recording them at the time. So I foolishly told myself I would remember o_O. And the rest as they say is history. Now I have something at my fingertips. Thanks Marty :)
That's exactly what I do, too, Ruthlyn!
Now my third time is very, very slow because I am marking up, making notes in margins, looking up (in Hebrew) just about every time I see the word "God" or "Lord" (without the caps) and writing it down in the margin, reading more commentaries, cross-referencing, etc.
Look at the two Hebrew meanings of the word "LORD" in Ex 17:16. I didn't know "LORD" was ever anything except 'Jehovah.' I found that when I started using the workbook. I had to see why God was against Amalek: Exodus 17:14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.
Look at the two Hebrew meanings of the word "LORD" in Ex 17:16. I didn't know "LORD" was ever anything except 'Jehovah.'

I did not know either, that LORD (capitalized) could sometimes be YAHH or JAH (יָהּ) which per Strong's is a contraction for Y@hovah (יְהֹוָה) - that's a nice catch, Marty. So every time we see LORD it is not necessarily Y@hovah.

Look at Isaiah 12:2!
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD
(יָהּ) JEHOVAH (יְהֹוָה) is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.


Here is an interesting website I just found. I love the study of His names.
I have so much floating around in my mind and in going through Proverbs some insights came to me one morning during my devotions, but I did not have any means of recording them at the time. So I foolishly told myself I would remember...

Happens all the time. Too much information flooding our brains. We need one of those little digital recorders, keep it in our pocket like we do our cell phones. They sell them at Radio Shack and I am going to get one!

Which brings up a funny story to share with you. I was talking to my mom on the phone one day and we were discussing the very same thing, how easy it is to forget stuff from one minute to the next. I was explaining to her it's not your memory, you have an excellent memory. It's too much information out there coming in and it's like creating a bottleneck or something, it's just ridiculous how we are bombarded by noises and information we really don't even need to know about. Now she was a sharp cookie right up until the time she left. So in this phone conversation she told me how when she is in the living room and needs something from the back room, the sewing room, all the way down the hall she says real loud, "Fred! Fred! Fred!" over and over, see. So there was a pause while I was trying to figure this out. I said to her, "Why do you call Fred? Who is Fred?" And she goes, "No, not Fred. THREAD." Hahahaha boy we laughed at that one.