Has there been any consideration to add the American King James Version to SwordSearcher? According to the online version it has been placed in the public domain since 1999.
I will never forget the flood of peace that washed me after, "the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth"
Rev 12:16
The flood of Bible versions all screaming "... Yea, hath God said,..."???
Gen 3:1 like vomit from the devils mouth; had kept me a prisoner of doubt in the words of God, as "preference this" ... and "change that..." "better translation should be"... "but the Greek really means"... Were spewed from pulpet after pulpet and experts and scholars ad nauseam.
They reject the living water found flowing from the KJB, and pack around their broken keys to what word goes where in their broken cisterns that can hold no water
Jer 2:13 (critical apparatus NA28 for example) as they shove doubt down your throat while choking on it themselves.
The day I let go of my way, and accepted and fully placed my faith in the perfectly preserved KJB was a day of freedom only comparable to the day I was saved by the God who preserved it AS PROMISED.
Shed Blood crying from the earth
1Jo 5:8,
Mt 23:35."YES YOU CAN TRUST EVERY SINGLE WORD" you can trust this God to keep His word!!!
Rev 1:2;
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. —
Rev 12:11 KJB