Any thoughts about Understanding the Bible: An Independent Baptist Commentary

Ken Sturgeon

Active Member
Does anyone have any thoughts to share about "Understanding the Bible: An Independent Baptist Commentary"? $125 seems a bit pricey in light of the fact that SwordSearcher is less than half that price and comes with a bunch of commentary and book modules out of the box.
Too much $ like you said. I have it, but don't find it that useful.

Searching and comparing Scripture is easily done with SS and there are plenty of commentaries available. Most commentaries never seem to answer the question that I am investigating anyway.

Thomas Constable has a good commentary set in PDF or HTML format for free here:

There is a framework for SS to link to the commentaries here: It would be easy to download the PDF files and make links to them. Incorporating the html into SS would is more difficult, but the instructions are included in the previous link.

There is so much on the web that I wouldn't pay for any commentary.
Thomas Constable has a good commentary set in PDF or HTML format for free here:

There is a framework for SS to link to the commentaries here:

It would be easy to download the PDF files and make links to them. Incorporating the HTML into SS would [be] more difficult, but the instructions are included in the previous link.

This is a VERY good exercise.

There was an 'altercation' last Friday in our Law, Freedom and Justice group, where a caller [to the radio program] got a bit aggressive with the guest host. Overall the program contained a LOT of material about Adam, Enoch and the Covenant(s) similar to what's found on the TC Genesis Commentary page:

Think I'm going to start populating your framework with Genesis. :cool:

I use David Sorenson's commentary Understanding the Bible more than all the other commentaries combined. I believe it is one of the real jewels of Sword Searcher. Its notes are current and relevant. It address issues when appropriate you will address today in a way you will address them today. i.e. false sign gifts so common in some churches today. It is apologetically pre-tribulational and pre-millennial, something that is hard to find in most commentaries that are out of copy-write. It understands the New Testament church. It is not based on some "high church" philosophy or teaching of the 16th century. Dr. Sorenson is also a balanced and a real scholar in the area of the Greek text. He has written several books in defense of the KJV. It is worth every penny I paid for it and I am known as the cheapest of the cheapskates in my family. LOL
I use David Sorenson's commentary Understanding the Bible more than all the other commentaries combined. I believe it is one of the real jewels of Sword Searcher. Its notes are current and relevant. It address issues when appropriate you will address today in a way you will address them today. i.e. false sign gifts so common in some churches today. It is apologetically pre-tribulational and pre-millennial, something that is hard to find in most commentaries that are out of copy-write. It understands the New Testament church. It is not based on some "high church" philosophy or teaching of the 16th century. Dr. Sorenson is also a balanced and a real scholar in the area of the Greek text. He has written several books in defense of the KJV. It is worth every penny I paid for it and I am known as the cheapest of the cheapskates in my family. LOL

I know this thread is a bit old, but thought I would chime in anyway.

Understanding the Bible is usually the first commentary I will go to if needed. Being an Independent Baptist, it is wonderful to have a contemporary commentary with this viewpoint.

And, I would agree, worth the investment.
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Thank you Bro. Mike, I really appreciate your assessment of the commentary set. I've searched for any sites that may show examples of the commentary content but can't find any examples of it anywhere. I hate to spend $125 and end up disappointed. I personally care very little for commentaries that constantly refer to the Greek and Hebrew. I don't mind occasional references to them but find myself easily frustrated with teachers who can't seem to step away from them. Again, my sincere thanks for your input.
I think this is a great value for a modern commentary, especially because it's available as a SwordSearcher module, is based on the KJV, and is the answer to a lot of requests for current material. Sorenson's "Understanding the Bible" is an eleven volume set - over 8300 pages - and to have all its content at my fingertips with instant referencing in SwordSearcher is terrific. Thanks, Brandon, for making this commentary available at a bargain price! I know that copyrighted material isn't free and you put in a lot of work getting the 11 volumes formatted for SwordSearcher. :)
I know that copyrighted material isn't free and you put in a lot of work getting the 11 volumes formatted for SwordSearcher.

In the case of this module, most of the purchase price goes straight to the author.
I do use this commentary occasionally, and I am sympathetic with is his views and doctrinal positions on many, perhaps most, things. I don't find it as thorough as I would like, but it is sometimes helpful.
I found that the Logos site had some sample pages, most of which seemed to go back to the original languages so I'm not interested. The KJV is good enough for me. :)
:DThe GREAT thing about this SwordSearcher 8, and its Blog, is that everyone, I mean, everyone, finds its "OWN" purpose.
The main Topic is of course; King James Version 1611, the rest is like a huge buffet, where all get fed in its own taste.
As for me... I love this place.
All the Glory goes to Jesus Christ, and of course, Blessings to you and your family Mr. Staggs.:rolleyes:
My wife purchased the UTB Commentary download for my birthday. This work is a safe haven for my studies preparing sermons. It's a comfort to have a work that will not doubt the incorruptible word of God. Well worth having!!! God bless.
David Sorenson the author of the UTB holds a strong KJV position. His books "Neither Oldest Nor Best" and "Touch Not The Unclean Thing" dealing the the KJV are both excellent on the subject. They should be read by everyone who is really interested in the issue. He also has a good book titled "The Art of Pastoring" that is well written. His notes in the UTB are not deep but sound and in line with most current fundamental Baptist views. They can be a great help when needing that fresh view or thought on a passage after doing your own meditation.