Book Modules

Pastor Langley

Active Member
I am formatting a book at present for a friend in Europe. He has been a personal friend for 22 years. He is a Missionary 50 years 15 years living in Israel, last 30 in Paris. Holding Camps in Romania for 30 years. Soon hope to get 400 books printed. Working on getting it into SwordSearcher now. I have only done one Book Module, (All Of Christs Words) and with much help from SS Forum users I tried to update it as needed. Would anyone be willing to look over this module before I make it available on SwordSearcher.
He is not selling this book it is his life's ministry and the Topic is Fasting and Prayer with the book title as:
"MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON HIGH" Fasting By Biblical Characters and Commentary on Isaiah 58. If so please respond.
It is not finished. Hope to have it done by next month.
Thank you in advance.
An added note: We are both KJV guys. He is an Independent Baptist while I am Missionary Baptist, independent, autonomous, etc.
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It looks good. I notice that topics 10-21 might benefit with a return link to the table of contents at the top of the page.
Thank you sir! I must have failed to make clear what I wanted. Absolutely thank you for that "topics 10-21" error, will fix that today!
Work on that today.
Do all links work and all maps OPEN?
Got most links done. Cannot get above my tables to add link? Using Sword Searcher Editor.
Will play with HTML code some there.
Found other things needed fixing while doing this.
Thank you for the help sir!!!
</STRONG><A href="swordsearcher://book/00%20-%20Index%20Page"><FONT
size=3>Return to Index</FONT></A></P></TD>
GOT IT!!!!
Wow that was easy after 1 1/2 years of failure and trying.. Ha! Thanks all on the forum.
It looks good. I notice that topics 10-21 might benefit with a return link to the table of contents at the top of the page.
Thanks for making (in a nice way) me go back and check my module, , it was even more fun when you get an understanding of just what Sword Searcher does, can do, and how much fun it is to use it as a Tool to help in my Study and writing.
Got it done locally so I guess upload new version soon.