Video Copying Verses to the clipboard and how they are formatted

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
This video shows the best way to copy Bible verses to the Windows clipboard, and how you can change the way the text is formatted.

Can also be watched here.
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Version 7.1 includes improvements to the configuration options for formatting verse text when copying verses to the Windows clipboard for pasting into other applications. I’ve updated this video to reflect the improved options in 7.1 and also cover more copy & paste scenarios. You can watch the updated video above or here.
Brandon, I've been experiencing an up to 30 sec. lag time when pasting into my Word docs. It seems to be only when using SwordSearcher. Has anyone else had this problem that you know of and what can be done about it? Thank you for your consideration of this; and for your many faceted ministry. ~ S
Brandon, I've been experiencing an up to 30 sec. lag time when pasting into my Word docs. It seems to be only when using SwordSearcher. Has anyone else had this problem that you know of and what can be done about it? Thank you for your consideration of this; and for your many faceted ministry. ~ S

I tested just now with the current version of SwordSearcher and Word, and do not experience much of a delay when pasting into Word. There is a slight delay, but definitely nothing like half a minute. What if you try pasting the same thing into another application that accepts text? Do you get a delay with pasting into other applications as well?