English-Strong's Indexer: cursor focus automatically to search field


Beta Tester
I would find it helpful if every time I go to the ESI panel the focus would automatically be such that my cursor is in the search field. It is there if it has been closed and is re-opened. But if the panel is left up (behind others, in my case behind my custom layout of panels), when I make it the top panel, it'd be nice not to have to move the cursor to the search field again.
It really should restore keyboard focus to whatever control had it when you last used the window. I will look into it and make sure there isn't something wrong there. In the meantime, can you get focus where you want it with Tab or CTRL+Tab? (I know you're asking to not have to, I just want to make sure keyboard input is being correctly handled for you.)
Yes, if I press Tab two times, I'm in the search field. That's a good option for me. I prefer to not use the mouse. You are correct that when I return to the ESI panel, the cursor or focus is where I was. That is what I don't like. I often copy the results from the ESI and paste them into the Scan Text for Bible References tool, so my last place in the ESI panel was on some text. I can live with Tab+Tab :)
A similar thing happens with the concordance. Sometimes the search box has focus but other times not. I have to click in the box and select what is left there from the previous search. Other times it is selected and I can type a new search. Not sure why it changes.
Thanks guys. I have noted this for investigation.
Yes, if I press Tab two times, I'm in the search field. That's a good option for me. I prefer to not use the mouse. You are correct that when I return to the ESI panel, the cursor or focus is where I was. That is what I don't like. I often copy the results from the ESI and paste them into the Scan Text for Bible References tool, so my last place in the ESI panel was on some text. I can live with Tab+Tab :)
One of the things that was a personal blessing for me (since I am not big on using the mouse if I don't have to) is that Brandon was very responsive about this when I brought it up years ago and he's maintained keyboard shortcuts. If you aren't aware, I believe the help docs has an exhaustive list of all the shortcuts available.