es2f: e-Sword to Forge (to SwordSearcher) Converter

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
[Note: es2f does not work with recent versions of e-Sword. It is still available for legacy use.]

Over the last few years, many SwordSearcher users have emailed me and asked me to convert their e-Sword modules to SwordSearcher modules.

es2f is a tool I've thrown together to export an e-Sword module file to the input format used by Forge, which can then be compiled into a SwordSearcher module. It works for Dictionaries, Topics, Commentaries, and Bibles.

The purpose of this tool is to enable e-Sword users to export their own content or other public domain works available in e-Sword to Forge input text files. The files written by es2f can be compiled into SwordSearcher modules by Forge. See for details on using Forge for SwordSearcher.

e-Sword files are nothing more than Microsoft Access database files. e-Sword was not used or installed during the development of es2f. es2f was developed solely based on user-created data files provided by e-Sword users wishing to have them converted for use in SwordSearcher. es2f is neither endorsed nor developed by the publisher of e-Sword.

es2f uses the Microsoft Jet 4.0 Database Engine to access the database files.


es2f-Setup.exe (Version


Download the es2f Setup file above and install. By default, es2f installs into the same folder as Forge for SwordSearcher.

Run es2f from the shortcut (on your desktop if you let the setup program create it there, or from your start menu under Forge for SwordSearcher).

You may specify any number of e-Sword data files to convert at one time.

Set the output folder to where you want the Forge input text files to be saved.

Leave "Remove Font Declarations" checked unless you are converting a module that has special font needs. (This is ignored for Bible texts.)

Click Go to start conversion.

After the files are converted, open Forge and fill in the module details (Title, abbreviation, type, file location, etc) and compile. That's it!

Please do not ask about password protected databases. Any posts requesting instructions for removing password protection from Access databases will be removed.

Version history:
  • Now handles RTF Unicode escapes (converts them to HTML Unicode character elements)
  • Fixed some commentary text getting dropped during conversion
  • Improved handling of Bible texts
  • Bible RTF conversion now "honors" the "Remove Font Declarations" setting. If it is not selected, es2f will retain most formatting code in the verse text. Note that using this is not recommended for texts you wish to search! Forge and SS do not fully support HTML code in verse text.
  • Added support for .not files.
  • Improved HTML reformatting.
  • Initial release.
That was nice. You're very thoughtful, Brandon.
es2f is a tool I've thrown together

You're so modest. :)

Seriously, this is awesome news. Thanks for doing this, Brandon.

Repositories of public domain e-sword resources: (search on "esword")

There are some non-public domain and copyrighted material mixed in amongst the listed resources. Make sure you read closely, and get the authors permission where appropriate. Most copyrighted e-sword material is password protected, so you won't be able to use it with es2f anyway.

es2f-Setup.exe (Version
  • Added support for .not files.
  • Improved HTML reformatting.
Thank you for creating this tool. This is fabulous and you just made my studies using Swordsearcher that much better.


es2f-Setup.exe (Version
  • Now handles RTF Unicode escapes (converts them to HTML Unicode character elements)
  • Fixed some commentary text getting dropped during conversion
  • Improved handling of Bible texts
  • Bible RTF conversion now "honors" the "Remove Font Declarations" setting. If it is not selected, es2f will retain most formatting code in the verse text. Note that using this is not recommended for texts you wish to search! Forge and SS do not fully support HTML code in verse text.

This is such an AWESOME resource! I can't say thank you enough! You have saved me countless hours of manual text entry! ;) :D

Thank you again for the excellent service you are providing to the Body of Christ!
I got all excited when I downloaded this and Forge. Then I found out that it doesn't work with a registered download version, only the Deluxe CD version. Bummer. :(

The prerequisites for Forge only indicate:
You must have a working installation of SwordSearcher 5 for Forge to work.

It says nothing about needing the Deluxe version to use the modules it creates. And this es2f thread doesn't mention anything about requiring the Deluxe version either.

Additionally, the FAQ simply states about a regsitered download version:
a free registration serial number only disables the evaluation reminder in the program and allows it to be used beyond the trial period.

But prior to entering the serial number the Forge created modules work, now they don't. So the serial number obviously disables more that the evaluation reminder.

I'm not complaining, as I can understand why these would be disabled, but the verbiage on the site should be updated to reflect this.

(Don't suppose I can get a "free pass" for discovering/pointing this out can I?) ;)

What your post doesn't make clear is that by "registered download version" you actually mean "free registration." The "free registration" only allows you to use the evaluation version of SwordSearcher in perpetuity -- that means the SwordSearcher program and modules included in the evaluation installer. If you wish to add plugins (such as the ones made with Forge) you need to purchase SwordSearcher. The Free Registration is simply for folks who wish to use the download version (only, not download+module plugins) and genuinely are unable to afford purchasing the software.

I'll see about updating the FAQ on the SwordSearcher website with regard to free licenses.

The Forge and es2f prereq notices are accurate. They will function regardless of the license status of SwordSearcher.

What your post doesn't make clear is that by "registered download version" you actually mean "free registration."

That's what I was trying to get out, sorry if my wording wasn't clear. I will edit the post if still possible to reflect that.

I'll see about updating the FAQ on the SwordSearcher website with regard to free licenses.

Thanks. That would clear things up.

I spent quite a bit of time converting some e-Sword modules over to use in SS during the trial period, got the free key today, only to find out they were disabled after entering the key. It was a bit disheartening, that's all. Just want to make sure no one else ends up doing the same thing I did.

I will hopefully be able to purchase SS Deluxe in the near future.

Thanks and blessings,

I am a newbe and just purchased the CD 5.5v and I am curious, it looks like with conversion, I could purchase Dr. Chafer's Systematic and use in SwardSearcher right with scripture links etc.?


Probably not -- while I have not looked into it, I can make a good guess that the text is not licensed to allow format shifting.
E-Sword 9 is in SQLite format. Most modules are encrypted. If they are not encrypted, the note or comment is in rich text format.
Brandon, your post above says - "It works for Dictionaries, Topics, Commentaries, and Bibles."

The 'download' feature in E-sword lists the catagory 'Reference Books'. These 'books' have the file extension .topx. Is that what is considered 'topics?

I convert them with es2f and compile them with forge and when I restart Sword Searcher I get my new Tab with the abreviation I created but when I click the tab I get an empty window.

Am I doing something wrong or does es2f just not work on .topx files?