Forum times are wonky on my computer


Beta Tester
It is approx. 12:53 PM Eastern Time in the USA as I write this. I added my “3:51” comment this moring at about 6:51 AM (morning) my time. These times (e.g. 3:51 have not even been lived by me yet! Only by God’s grace will I get there. But this forum software says I’ve been there. Hmm.

EDIT: The thread in question;

BTW: I have been having "clock" issues on my computer, so this is probably only my problem. However, it did make me smile. I do recall being in the future before.

Inaccurate dates.png
My computer including the virtual machine have the correct date, so I'm not sure what's going on here. I was accessing the forum website via the host computer anyway, and its time (AFAIK) has never been inaccurate.
I honestly have no idea. I've never noticed an issue here before, but you can double-check the forum preferences in your profile for time zone.
I suppose there could be a bug in the XenForo forum software I am using.
I honestly have no idea. I've never noticed an issue here before, but you can double-check the forum preferences in your profile for time zone.
I suppose there could be a bug in the XenForo forum software I am using.
Thank you, Brandon! It was the time zone set for me in the forum settings. I did not think of that. I feel kind of stupid for not thinking of that, but … Anyway, I guess I can no longer experience the future.
Thank you, Brandon! It was the time zone set for me in the forum settings. I did not think of that. I feel kind of stupid for not thinking of that, but … Anyway, I guess I can no longer experience the future.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Just go ahead and set it back the way it was.

Then let us know how the future is going.... Other than Jesus coming back, we might not want to go there! ;)