Future: Search within results panel


Beta Tester
I'd like to be able to search within the search results dialog box. I don't think there is a way to do this, but if there is, I'd be happy to learn it. In studying the Hebrew word כָּפַר kaphar (H3722), I clicked in the Strong's dictionary to see all instances in the KJVSL Bible module. There are 104 hits in 94 verses. I noted that the Strong's dictionary says that it is sometimes translated "cleanse." (I'm assuming the Strong's dictionary defines the word first, then lists the way it's rendered in the KJV in the list that follows the colon and em-dash.)

However, I can't find any places where H3722 is the basis of "cleanse" in the KJV: I did a search (F2) for "H3722" and "cleanse" and got four hits; however, I don't see where H3722 is translated "cleanse" in any of them.

That's why I thought it might be good to be able to search the actual results panel. Then I could see if "cleans*" shows up in any of those verses.

Maybe this is already possible? Maybe a good idea?
This does sound like it would be helpful. In the meantime, here is one way to skin the cat.

1. Right click in the search results and "print window" to a PDF printer (such as the Bullzip one or equivalent).

2. Open the resulting PDF file and search for 'cleans'

You'll find matches for other words than H3722 until you get to Num. 35:33 where kaphar is indeed translated as "cleansed"

Num. 35:33
So ye shall not pollute חָנֵף the land אֶרֶץ wherein ye are: for blood דָּם it
defileth חָנֵף the land אֶרֶץ : and the land אֶרֶץ cannot be cleansed כָּפַר of the
blood דָּם that is shed 1 שָׁפַ therein, but by the blood דָּם of him that shed
1 שָׁפַ it.​

There may be other instances too, but I quit once I found the first one since I was mainly curious regarding your initial question as to how to check :)
Something else that is interesting. If you search on "exact phrase" and enter "cleans* H3722" it does find Num. 35:22. But this "just happens" to work because the word "cleansed" happens to be adjacent to the Hebrew term in the KJVSL translation. Maybe Brandon can suggest a different approach where one can constrain the search match to be within the entire phrase which translates each original language word (no matter where the word is positioned in the phrase). As you experienced, the general AND of the English word and Strong's number gives a lot of positives which are not a direct match between the Strongs and the word because it includes the entire verse when matching.
ctrl-f works for finding words in the result window. You could search for cleanse that way manually in the window until you found it. Another possibility is to use the regex search method. I don't know exactly how to specify the Hebrew encoding but Brandon probably has the answer.
ctrl-f works for finding words in the result window. You could search for cleanse that way manually in the window until you found it. Another possibility is to use the regex search method. I don't know exactly how to specify the Hebrew encoding but Brandon probably has the answer.
i use ctrl-f and seems to do the job for me
Thank you, everyone, for your help! I didn't even think to try Ctrl-F! :( I should have assumed the feature I wanted was already there – it usually is, and that's a great thing about SwordSearcher.
As mentioned, Ctrl+F lets you search the active (focused) panel. It's limited to the content of the display in the panel -- something to keep in mind with search results as they can be multiple pages if >100 results.
As mentioned, Ctrl+F lets you search the active (focused) panel. It's limited to the content of the display in the panel -- something to keep in mind with search results as they can be multiple pages if >100 results.

Is there a regex way to search for Strongs encoding and text?
Is there a regex way to search for Strongs encoding and text?

The RegEx search can search the KJVSL but it runs the RegEx on the text as it appears. You would have to enter the Strong's words in Unicode format (you can copy them from the KJVSL text in the Bible panel) and pay special attention to placement of the words. I wouldn't really recommend doing it.