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How to download and install modules from this forum [INFO]
It's easy!

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Brandon Staggs submitted a new article:

How to download and install modules from this forum - It's easy!

See this post for an explanation of what SwordSearcher modules are.

Most modules on this website require SwordSearcher 5.0 or later. Some modules may require version 6 or later.

Most add-on modules can be downloaded by clicking the big "Download now" button at the top-right of the module listing.

When you click the download button, do not click "Run" when your browser asks. Instead, click "Save."

  • If the module download has an executable installer it will download with an extension ".exe" and you will need to run it after you save it. Most modules do not have or need an installer; the ones that do typically come with images that need to be placed in specific locations and the installer will handle this for you.
  • If the module download is a zip file with the extension ".zip", you will need to open the zip file after you download it (all recent versions of Windows can open zip files) and then copy the included files into your Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules folder.
  • If the module file download is not an installer and not a zip file, it will have one of the following extensions, and you should move the file into your Documents\SwordSearcher User Modulesfolder:
    • .ss5cmty
    • .ss6cmty
    • .ss5book
    • .ss6book
    • .ss5bible
    • .ss6bible
If you are using SwordSearcher 7, you can create a new folder for modules that you download anywhere on your hard drive, and add it to the module file locations tab under File, Preferences and Settings. This is a good way to organize your module files so that your own personal modules are not mixed with add-ons you have downloaded.

I strongly recommend against moving module files into your Program Files subfolder. The only modules that need to be in that location will come as installers.

Read more about this...
When I download and save a module (that isn't zipped) does it automatically connect to Swordsearcher? I am feeling a little silly at the moment because I can't get it to work and the other review stated how easy it was. I have version 8.2.
Thank You for replying. I will delete the files and try again. I had no trouble adding the Audio Bible or The New American Standard version of the Bible. I know I am doing something wrong but I just don't know what. I have read and reread the instructions posted.......
I think my problem is that internet explorer is trying to open these files and I don't know how to change that. I will have to ask my friend who works with computers to check this out for me. Thank you
You could try right-clicking the download buttons and doing "save as" or similar.
I think my problem is that internet explorer is trying to open these files and I don't know how to change that. I will have to ask my friend who works with computers to check this out for me. Thank you
If you save the file in the Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules folder, SwordSearcher will automatically find it when it starts.

To change what program opens a file, in File Explorer, you can right-click on the file where it has been saved, then click on "Open with" from the pop-up list and choose the program you want to use. There may be an option to 'always use this program' that you can check so you don't have to go through that every time.
OK, I figured it out. I won't go into detail about what I did and what I thought I was supposed to do but I got it to work and that is what is important. Thank You
May the LORD HIMSELF Bless this Blog..... and ALL the Pros within !!!!
I just want to say "Thank You" to all who have posted modules for us to download! I have everything running smoothly now and I am so enjoying reading everything---but it will take me a while--. Swordsearcher is a wonderful resource for learning more about the Bible and it is so much better than the other software I had downloaded (I uninstalled it by the way). May God Bless all of you!
Thanks for the reply but I am still confused. Where do I find the modules into which to copy the new imports?
Where do I find the modules into which to copy the new imports?

What do you mean by "copy the new imports?" Sorry, I do not understand.
If you download the John Burgon material from the modules on this site, it may be a zipped file. You will have to double-click on the downloaded file to open it, then copy the files listed into your Documents/SwordSearcher User Modules folder. Then when you open SwordSearcher next time, they will be there. Hope that helps.
This is the best way to do it...... Indeeeeeeeed !;)
I had some trouble downloading some when the link said "Go to Download"
Two were fine, but I don't understand why it said they couldn't be downloaded safely.
Please help.
I had some trouble downloading some when the link said "Go to Download"
Two were fine, but I don't understand why it said they couldn't be downloaded safely.
Please help.
Mostly likely a false-positive from anti-virus software that doesn't understand what is being downloaded.
I had some trouble downloading some when the link said "Go to Download"
Two were fine, but I don't understand why it said they couldn't be downloaded safely.
Please help.
Sometimes my browser security blocks multiple downloads from a site. It puts up a little icon with an exclamation point on the title bar. I click that and check the option to allow multiple downloads from the specific site, and all is well. I don't know if that's what's happening with your downloads, but worth a look.