Hymns by John Newton


Beta Tester
Hymns by John Newton and William Cowper. - John Newton is the famous author of the song, "Amazing Grace". It is hymn 41 of book 1. These hymns are great for meditation and poetry. There are over 300 hymns organized into three books. See the table of contents.

I just read a great biography of John Newton. It caused me to search out his hymns written from Olney, England in 1779. Here is a link to the Wikipedia article about the hymns.

Thank you! I downloaded it and opened it and looked it over. A great resource. I know I need more of the same heart-felt, mind-changing, life-mending devotion to the Lord Jesus and His Word that John Newton displays in his hymns. For those interested, you can often find the music at www.nethymnal.org. Blessings!
Thank you! I downloaded it and opened it and looked it over. A great resource. I know I need more of the same heart-felt, mind-changing, life-mending devotion to the Lord Jesus and His Word that John Newton displays in his hymns. For those interested, you can often find the music at www.nethymnal.org. Blessings!

I can recommend the book, John Newton: From Disgrace... I have a Kindle reader on my PC and Ipod and the book is a free download from Amazon.
Hymns by John Newton and William Cowper. - John Newton is the famous author of the song, "Amazing Grace". It is hymn 41 of book 1. These hymns are great for meditation and poetry. There are over 300 hymns organized into three books. See the table of contents.

I just read a great biography of John Newton. It caused me to search out his hymns written from Olney, England in 1779. Here is a link to the Wikipedia article about the hymns.


Thank you Bill for the new book. Interestingly, in my Tozer daily devotional from yesterday (available from LMI at http://www.litmin.org/) was on this same subject, reading and singing hymns for meditation, and, well, just worshipping Him...:

The whole import and substance of the Bible teaches us that the God who does not need any thing nevertheless desires the adoration and worship of His created children.

A. W. Tozer: Whatever Happened to Worship?

Thursday, June 03, 2010
Worship: God Listens

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. - --Psalm 95:1-2

What are we going to do about this awesome, beautiful worship that God calls for? I would rather worship God than do any other thing I know of in all this wide world.

I would not even attempt to tell you how many hymnbooks are piled up in my study. I cannot sing a lick, but that is nobody's business. God thinks I am an opera star!

God listens while I sing to Him the old French hymns in translation, the old Latin hymns in translation. God listens while I sing the old Greek hymns from the Eastern church as well as the beautiful psalms done in meter and some of the simpler songs of Watts and Wesley and the rest.

I mean it when I say that I would rather worship God than to do anything else. Whatever Happened to Worship? [A. W. Tozer] 18.​

Thanks again, Bill.
Terri P.
Thank you Bill for the new book. Interestingly, in my Tozer daily devotional from yesterday (available from LMI at http://www.litmin.org/) was on this same subject, reading and singing hymns for meditation, and, well, just worshipping Him...:

Thanks Terri. I simply love Tozer and have collected some of his books, and even some of his audio sermons from the SermonAudio website (http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?SpeakerOnly=true&currSection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=A.^W.^Tozer). I now have subscribed to this devotional. Thanks again.

Thank you also Bill as always you do good stuff!

Thanks Terri. I simply love Tozer and have collected some of his books, and even some of his audio sermons from the SermonAudio website (http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?SpeakerOnly=true&currSection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=A.^W.^Tozer). I now have subscribed to this devotional. Thanks again.

Thank you also Bill as always you do good stuff!


Ruthlyn I went to your link = sermon audio and put it in my faves folder. Now I thank you, because I like to read Tozer, too, and now I will listen to his sermons. Very neat, thank you!

Terri P.
Hymns by John Newton and William Cowper. - John Newton is the famous author of the song, "Amazing Grace". It is hymn 41 of book 1. These hymns are great for meditation and poetry. There are over 300 hymns organized into three books. See the table of contents.

I just read a great biography of John Newton. It caused me to search out his hymns written from Olney, England in 1779. Here is a link to the Wikipedia article about the hymns.


Here is an excellent resource for hymns, the "Net Hymnal":
And this is a good resource at that particular website for more about John Newton, too:
You all enjoy your blessings this bright and beautiful day
Terri P.
Nice indeed.

I can recommend the book, John Newton: From Disgrace... I have a Kindle reader on my PC and Ipod and the book is a free download from Amazon.

I went to Amazon but couldn't find the free download - the most I could find was a free sample of the book. Can you give me the link, please? :)
I went to Amazon but couldn't find the free download - the most I could find was a free sample of the book. Can you give me the link, please? :)

Here's a link to the Kindle edition of the book. It's no longer free but $7.99. Apparently they have free books availlable for a period of time and then they may charge for them.

You can get the Kindle reader for PC at this link:

You can search for books from within the Kindle reader. I look for the free ones.

Here's a link to the Kindle store if you want to browse a little. Try searching for $0.00 in the Kindle store.

Thanks, Bill! I did get the Kindle Reader Application for my computer.