Informal poll: Three reasons you use SwordSearcher

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
I'm planning a very short, "this is why you should use SwordSearcher" video. All of the videos I have done so far are tutorials, but I would also like something that introduces SwordSearcher to someone who is "just looking."

I have some ideas and would like to hear from the regulars here: what are your top three reasons/features for using SwordSearcher?

Ideally I am looking for "features that benefit" -- something that can be quickly demonstrated such as the search bar. I am pretty sure I have decided on the first two items, but I want to hear from you before deciding on all three... Thanks!
1. I love the way SwordSearcher brings all the resources - Bibles, Books, Dictionaries, and Commentaries - together so the relevant material is instantly at my fingertips. These books in paper would fill tables and tables and take hours to find related information. Mouse over the links in the Bible Panel margin and see the preview...

2. I love being able to make notes/modules both to gather together information from different resources, and to record my own thoughts. I have My Notes linked to one of the Widgets so I can mouse over it's link and see my note on a verse or click on it to add a note.

3. I love the fast, intuitive searches. How many ways there are to find information - precise or fuzzy and suggestions. Particularly helpful are the suggested verses listed under the Quick Search box, but the in-depth search feature is most helpful as well.
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1. Listening to Scourby audio with syncronization and pausing (to make a note, or get a cup)
2. Search capabilities - Bible, books, commentaries, library resources, etc.
3. Highlighting, note taking, organizing information (making user books and commentaries, customizing tabs and links, windows)

There is much more but these are most important to me. I combined some stuff to get more in :)
1. All of SwordSearcher, I mean every little jot and tittle, is done for the glory of God, by humble people who clearly love Jesus with all their hearts and put Him first, always. This is the number one reason to choose SwordSearcher. It's not a job, it is a gift from God and a mission for the Kingdom of God that these people (Brandon Staggs) have in their hearts to do this in an orderly manner, with complete integrity and to the honor of our Lord. This project is so obviously God-breathed and we are so blessed that God has made this resource available to us.
2. Accuracy (i.e. spelling, grammar, copying from books & Bibles to SS modules): You will extremely rarely find a flaw in these areas, and if you do, let Brandon know and he is very grateful and quick to correct. I found only one - a teeny spelling error, and if I recall it turned out that it wasn't SS error, it was the original author and copied exactly the way it was originally written - in all the time I have been using SS.
3. Tech help - usually immediately; done kindly (kindness is the most important part) and clearly.
4. Options: Bible translations and not just any; screen setup; commentaries to choose from; additional modules from members.
5. Strong's Concordance
6. Cross referencing: clicking on a word and available resources are listed in a popup window, very handy.
7. More but on the seventh I rest :)
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One thing is needful . . .

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

For an example > searching 'verily verily' and hearing by Scourby's voice the word of Jesus. The 25 verses are recorded only by John the apostle through the whole Bible.
1. Extremely configurable in terms of content, layout, and note taking.
2. Audio configurable to actual bible version.
3. Search Speed is very very fast when compared to other bible software.
I concur with these excellent thoughts:

wsbones: "1. Listening to Scourby audio with syncronization and pausing"
marty: "being able to make notes/modules both to gather together information from different resources, and to record my own thoughts" (and I'd add: foreign language Bible modules)
1. The vast collection of excellent materials
2. The immediate floating info as you mouse over Bibles, Books, Commentaries .. allows you to see if it is worth clicking to open & proceed
3. The forum .. yes, this forum is just great,.. with wonderful module providers.
4. The very prompt reply to all questions .. service indeed. I learn from others questions, & the answers
1. Customization, layout- including colors, screen, theme, font, zoom, etc.

2. Various searches………, including importing with scan text-verse highlight, word compatibility, maps-images

3. Modules- forge; not only ability to share custom modules created by others, but creating your own

4. Sorry………there is a 4th- customer service, SS Forum-SS community……unequaled
Wow!! I'm late for this party but here's my two cents worth ...

1. Love being able to listen and read (I can amaze folks with the ability to pronounce those unpronounceable Bible names ;))

2. The extremely fast and accurate 'searchability' functions in all areas either for the Bible or via Topic Guide giving such detailed results. The Word Cloud is also extremely helpful.

3. The ability to personalize the program to suit me and back it up so I don't have to go through the process many times.

Thanks for this unparalleled program Brandon!
It is the WORD OF GOD knocking at your soul's door...!
Will you let HIM in ?
"as easy as opening the door!" Ya'all shalt be bless.
1. I like the applicable commentary and reference links popping up instantly right beside the text.
2. Ease of use, navigation and customization
3. Support, quick and clear.
1. It is the fastest way to SEARCH a Bible reference or a Bible word.
  • Just type the Scripture reference or the Bible word you are looking for, and Swordsearcher fill find it for you. You don't even need to worry about the correct abbreviation for Bible book references.
2. It is the easiest way to UNDERSTAND Bible words and passages.
  • Just double-click any word and you have access to a dictionary or commentary on that particular word.
3. It is the most convenient way to READ and HEAR the Bible.
  • Swordsearcher automatically scrolls the text you are reading as you play its audio Bible feature.
Thanks for all the responses. It's always interesting to me to learn how people use SwordSearcher and what aspects of it they find the most beneficial.

I've created the video I mentioned and it's viewable here: