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User-submitted J. Vernon McGee Audio File Journal 1.1
A calendar linked to audio files

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OK got it, so this tool is it available or is it code?
"Tool" was the wrong word - I should have just said 'it's for easier organization.' So if your modules are in the same main folder, instead of typing in C:\Users\owass\OneDrive\Dave Private Data\SS_Scourby_JVM_Data\jvma, you can just use file:///{moduleassets}.
Yes sir, got it. All are working.
Leaving it until I get schooled on the file:///{moduleassets}
To get JVMA Alt to work the folder must be on C:\jvma which for now will leave alone.

All others are located in SwordSearcher main folder.
Maybe because of size & space: (size & space not issue with me)
C:\jvma 4.44 GB (4,771,174,146 bytes)
SwordSearcher User Modules 672 MB (705,580,928 bytes)
Thank you for your help. I know just enough to get into trouble.
Happy Trails!
By way of explanation why I used C:\jvma --

I put the audio files in c:\jvma originally is because {moduleassets} did not work properly in SwordSearcher within the <AREA ...> HTML tag. Brandon fixed that.

Also, with 2 modules (JVMA and jvmalt) they can both refer to the same set of audio files in located in c:\jvma.

c:\jvma is also easy to type in the HTML code. :)

Another solution involves using a symbolic directory link to point to the real directory location. (JVMA-Assets and jvmalt-Assets) could to point to c:\jvma without duplication of all the audio files.

Finally, another way would be to copy the large audio folders into each asset folder.
Thank you again sir. Maybe someday I can offer assistance to others.
wsbones updated J. Vernon McGee Audio File Journal with a new update entry:

Fixed Broken Link in JVMA

Unzip the update to the SwordSearcher user directory. The link for the Proverbs 01-02 audio file was broken. If you clicked on the calendar for Apr 27 you would have heard the Proverbs 03-05 audio file.

This does not affect the jvma-alt module which works fine. It is a separate module, but uses the same audio files located in C:\JVMA.

You must have the 351 J. Vernon McGee audio files in the c:\jvma directory. You can download these if you do not have them. They are...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Bill, the cal.gif image I have is missing all the days after Dec. 17...
Bill, the cal.gif image I have is missing all the days after Dec. 17...
There are no more audio files after Dec 17, so I shortened the year.

I created a SS reading schedule so one can check off the boxes when they finish the Scripture portion of the audio file. That makes it easy to start in Genesis 1 at any point and keep track of progress. It's a txt file in the attached zip. Design a custom plan and read it in as a template. I am not sure if it's useful yet. I will probably start it on Jan 1, 2024.


  • jvma ss
    1.6 KB · Views: 168
There are no more audio files after Dec 17, so I shortened the year.

I created a SS reading schedule so one can check off the boxes when they finish the Scripture portion of the audio file. That makes it easy to start in Genesis 1 at any point and keep track of progress. It's a txt file in the attached zip. Design a custom plan and read it in as a template. I am not sure if it's useful yet. I will probably start it on Jan 1, 2024.
That occurred to me after I posted. Thank you for this module, Bill! It's really nice to be able to hear JVM. There are so many great modules available - this one is one of my favorites.