maximizing square is missing on individual panels ?


On my custom layouts, I have the "Books & Dictionaries panel" set as a panel in the upper right of my layout. For some reason the little maximizing square on it is missing - and - it seems to be missing on all of my panels. I have tried toggling "enable layout customization" on and off but that doesn't make them reappear. The only way I can maximize a panel is to go to the drop down menu under view and click "maximize book panel", or the name of whatever panel I'm seeking to maximize. When I do that, it maximizes and the little "two" squares appear in the upper right (along with the x). When I then click the two little squares, the panel goes back to the previous size but the little square to maximize it again has vanished. The exception to this is when I choose the "Swordsearcher classic" layout. In that layout the little square is present on each of the panels when they are minimized and I can click it to make them full size without having to resort to the drop down menu. Wanted to see if I could get some help fixing this issue? Version is on Windows 11, 64 bit. Thanks
Please share a screen shot of your SwordSearcher window.
Here's some additional information I think will be helpful. It seems as if the "layout customization" setting is staying on - at least functionally speaking which I think explains (perhaps) why the minimization and maximization squares are not present whenever I create a custom layout.

Here's what I mean by that:

Let's say I set layout to "Bible on Left" - everything looks good. Then, under view, when I click on "enable layout customization" I now can undock the various panels. So far so good. Now I click under view again and "uncheck" the "enable layout customization" option. Looks good - I then save and rename that layout. When I do, I notice I can still drag and undock the panels - EVEN THOUGH - the "enable layout customization" option is unchecked and even after restarting SwordSearcher. It's like it's staying in customization mode" which is why I THINK that the little minimize and maximize buttons(squares) are missing. Notice on the two attachments that while both have the "red x" to close the square, only the first one has the little square to maximize (and/or minimize) the panel.
Check settings in preferences from: File/preferences/layout options...

Layout Customization is Unchecked (off) there as well. Tried toggling it to "on" and clicking apply - then toggling it back off and clicking "apply" and the program continues to act as if it was enabled - see attached
When you undock the Bible panel, as shown in your second screen shot, there is no maximize button from there. That's normal.
Right, but the problem is - it is not just the Bible panel - it is missing on all of the panels, including the Books & Dictionary panel. Appreciate any help I can get on getting this fixed
Right, but the problem is - it is not just the Bible panel - it is missing on all of the panels, including the Books & Dictionary panel. Appreciate any help I can get on getting this fixed
I'd suggest going to View, Reset Layout. From that you should see that each of those panels has a maximize button. Once you undock a panel, it becomes a "tool window" without max/min buttons.
Please have a look at the attached picture. This is my custom layout in SwordSearcher. Here's my question: is there a way - once one has undocked a panel like the "Books & Dict" panel, and created a new layout (like the one in my picture) - to then have those max/min buttons come back? I thought that by saving a custom layout, and then turning off the enable customizations, they would reappear, but as you can see in my attached image, they have not. Is there some way I can bring them back on a custom layout like the one pictured? If the answer is no - and that you simply need to use the "View - Maximize Book Panel" option and/or hit "Shift F11" - that's fine, I can do that. But if there's a way for me to be able to get the max/min buttons back on the books & dict panel when in a custom layout, please let me know. Thanks
If you want a "custom layout" you cannot "uncheck" it after to keep it.
Try this set up and see.
I don't think that's the issue, but I appreciate the reply. It's checked on mine right now, but still not working. The custom layout is saving just fine ... it's just that I lose the max/min buttons on it.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling SwordSearcher? If you do that, be sure to copy your license number and back up your user modules first, and if you've highlighted and underlined scriptures, you'll want to save that file, too. It's strange that the classic layout functions perfectly, but the others lose the max/min buttons.

If you can't or don't want to reinstall SwordSearcher, you could set up the classic layout (let's call it 'square one') and start experimenting to see what successful changes you can make... just try one thing at a time, and if the max/min buttons are there, put it back to square one and try something else, and if that works, put it back to square one before you try the next thing. If everything works ok with the classic layout, change one thing and save it as a custom layout, which will become the new 'square one,' and put it to the test again. Keep doing that and you'll either find out what's causing the problem, or you'll end up with the layout that you want.
Please have a look at the attached picture. This is my custom layout in SwordSearcher.

It looks to me like all of those are undocked panels. So the behavior is expected. I would recommend docking all of them instead and creating the layout that way. Please see this video:

I thought that by saving a custom layout, and then turning off the enable customizations, they would reappear,
No, they are still undocked tool windows at that point. You need to dock the panels into the main window to get the behavior you are seeking.

Also, I would recommend upgrading, since you are on 8.3. 8.4 and 9.0 both had improvements to the layout system. 9.0 especially, which is a lot more seamless to work with. But regardless, to get the behavior you are seeking, dock the panels. You can still get the layout configuration in your screen shot.
Here's a recreation of your layout showing the max/restore buttons working after docking the panels.
