Mobile SwordSearcher?

Are you simply not going to consider doing a mobile version of SS for phones, say android?
No, I consider it often. I just do not have any current project. There may eventually be one. There isn't one right now.
I read and understand your position as to why you have been "faithful" (poor word choice, perhaps, but can't think of a better adjective) to MS
Platform vendor is not really a factor in my considerations. The main issue is time. A new project would require a lot of time. Right now, I have more work to do than time to do it, so taking on a new project is not likely. There may come a time when I decide to replace some of the work I am currently doing with work on a new project. I don't really know.
Does anybody know how to convert SS modules to MySword (Android App)? The app itself does much of the same that say, SS, E-Sword, TheWord would do, only in a phone/tablet format. Not quite as powerful (are they ever?), but still very useful when I'm on the go. I know that E-sword and TheWord have been able to be converted to MySword, so I am hopeful for SS as well.
Does anybody know how to convert SS modules to MySword (Android App)? The app itself does much of the same that say, SS, E-Sword, TheWord would do, only in a phone/tablet format. Not quite as powerful (are they ever?), but still very useful when I'm on the go. I know that E-sword and TheWord have been able to be converted to MySword, so I am hopeful for SS as well.
How about seeing Brandon's answer above?

Besides I have MySword. It's fine. But I would recommend MyBible for android. Far & away superior to MySword, in my opinion, and for having used both for Bible Study and in a church setting.
Do you know if microsoft is pursuing a paired down version of windows for cell phones (not the old one from pre Win10 days)? I heard it was. If so, perhaps porting SS to it may be more achievable with minor adjustments.
Do you know if microsoft is pursuing a paired down version of windows for cell phones (not the old one from pre Win10 days)? I heard it was. If so, perhaps porting SS to it may be more achievable with minor adjustments.

No, Windows Phone is dead. Back when Windows Phone was something Microsoft was promoting, I wrote a small Bible app for it, but I never finished it, because it was obvious that Microsoft was going to lose the mobile phone platform war. Like any non-Windows-PC project, it would be a completely new project, there is no way to take the SwordSearcher code base and use it on a mobile platform. It is simply not possible to recompile it for another platform.
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An Android app would be sweet.
The app wouldn't have to have all the features. The reason to want it is to sync bookmarks and the reading plan to read where we left off when on the go. And maybe to have our custom sermons etc. saved for when someone asks us something we don't remember, but we have our saved references right on our phone already ready to go. We could have maybe only a skeleton crew of accessory books on the phone and three favorite Bible versions or something.

Also for audio books when driving. And sharing things with friends right in the app.
Then I could finally get this YouVersion off my phone, which is just a storefront for microtransactions. The Steam of Bible apps.

I have a Windows app on my computer, Paprika 3, for recipe management. It has grocery lists, a browser etc. Also has a companion Android app.
Was going to use it as an example of sync without a cloud, but apparently they have made it 'cloud sync' so nevermind. I used to have to sync it manually with a button when I was at my computer.

Don't think anyone would mind paying for an Android app. It could remain optional and we could buy it if we wanted it.
When similar software, Logos is thousands and thousands of dollars, these prices wouldn't be too much to ask.
I bet you could make a deal with google to host a cloud service for you, or something.
Having access to many other bible apps on android and blackberry, I personally find that the limited time I can spend on the device, is really limited to a devotional or prayer. Sometimes at men's group study, they come in handy to have a quick reference to another version.

You Version is my app of choice, WordSearch and Logos have nothing that comes even close to You Version. SwordSearcher would be best tied in with a say Spurgeon's Morning and Evening and perhaps a choice of prayer or book but, quite frankly Brandon, anything in the portable field will not measure up to what you have developed for our desktop use, and in my opinion the free You Version is all one really needs on a portable device, Handheld devices are just not conducive to long term study in my opinion. I would just link all that ask to You Version, and keep your coding talent focused on the wonderful work you have developed to date.

My .02$
Have you tried MyBible for Android?

@Brandon Staggs my memory fails if we've discussed this, but MyBible seems to be a very good Android Bible. Do you have experience with this?
An Android app is a distinct possibility in the future.
What is the feasibility of turning "Daily Bible & Prayer" into an Android App? I'd download that in a heartbeat.

For serious Bible study I can't see myself being anywhere instead of in front of my keyboard.

But I have never taken to using that app on my computer, since (now) so much of my daily tasks and habits have switched over to featuring my phone.

I could easily see integrating that into my daily routine.

(For full disclosure though, for my daily Bible I use the Dramatized KJV Bible app. What can I say, I really enjoy it.)
Right now I simply don't have the development time available to start new projects. Any mobile app would necessarily be a completely new project for me.
Just to throw in my two sense here...
I use Obsidian as my main notes manager, SS for the study part. OB has a good customizable android app (also apple), although not with specified Bible features, so I had to make that on my own.

For audiobooks I us the Android App T2S which is free and uses some decent google t2s voices. It can also output mp3s.

I tried Logos and tested it thoroughly... in my opinion anything that anybody would get through Logos, most of it is free online in another format (except modern books with copyrights of course). Also, it doesn't feel as smooth or useful as say MyBible, which has improved greatly over the years. Also, Logos eats up a ton of RAM and CPU, at least on Windows.
Just to be clear, I have no estimate or even guarantee of any mobile version of SwordSearcher at this point. The reality is that it is something that I have been kicking around for years now and I have written code to that end, but it has all been more research than development.
Just as a thought, the tools are available now to allow someone to take the entire SS wherever one goes. I upgraded my system workhorse and travel system.

I run 3 27" monitors at home, and I picked up a 15.5" travel monitor. Both setups run from a 5"x4.5" Beelink SER 7, It is installed with:
  1. Win 11 Pro
  2. 64 Gb ram
  3. 4 Tb of SSD storage
  4. All the applications I need and work with
The only "drawback" is not being able to take my large monitors with me when I go on a ministry trip, so I can't float SS panels or theWord modules on other monitors (small price to pay for having ALL my tools with me!). I just disconnect the Beelink, toss it my travel with the monitor, and I'm good-to-go. I travel with everything available for SS, 32 Gb of applications for theWord, a vast video collection, Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.

All the pieces are available on Amazon. And Brandon does not have to rewrite anything for it to work! Oh, by the way - the Beelink uses a Ryzen 7 processor and Windows is smoking fast!
Just as a thought, the tools are available now to allow someone to take the entire SS wherever one goes. I upgraded my system workhorse and travel system.

I run 3 27" monitors at home, and I picked up a 15.5" travel monitor. Both setups run from a 5"x4.5" Beelink SER 7, It is installed with:
  1. Win 11 Pro
  2. 64 Gb ram
  3. 4 Tb of SSD storage
  4. All the applications I need and work with
The only "drawback" is not being able to take my large monitors with me when I go on a ministry trip, so I can't float SS panels or theWord modules on other monitors (small price to pay for having ALL my tools with me!). I just disconnect the Beelink, toss it my travel with the monitor, and I'm good-to-go. I travel with everything available for SS, 32 Gb of applications for theWord, a vast video collection, Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.

All the pieces are available on Amazon. And Brandon does not have to rewrite anything for it to work! Oh, by the way - the Beelink uses a Ryzen 7 processor and Windows is smoking fast!
Darrel... Some of us have been with SwordSearcher since v.3 or 4. I am not quite older than dirt, but it is rumored I knew Noah's grandkids.

You lost me @ Beelink & Ryzen. ;)
Beelink is the name of the manufacturer of this computer and Ryzen is the name of the computer processor produced by AMD.

I am relatively new to SS but been around computers a loong time (wire wrapped my first computer and wrote my first operating system in 1975), came to the Lord officially in 1981 and been pressing in deeper ever since.