Print with footnotes; print parallel columnar


Beta Tester
These are two things that would help me a lot in my work. In working with non-English translations, it is very helpful to be able to print out comparative ones in columns. I can't do that unless I make a template in WORD or some other program and then paste it in there. If the Edit > Copy Verses (F5) function would allow one to select two translations and then also select whether to include footnotes or not, that would be absolutely wonderful! To me it is a big hinderance that once I've put footnotes into a non-English SS Bible module, I can't seem to print them out for review (maybe I'm missing something here).
The copy verses shortcut/functions don't have multiple text options, however, what you could do is configure the Bible panel to the layout you want to print (footnotes on, links off, compare column set) and then right-click the Bible panel and select the Print This Window function.
Thank you, Brandon. Yes, that will work with one chapter at a time, but I would like at least a book at a time :). Nonetheless, I'm happy, very happy, with SwordSearcher!