Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

Pastor Langley

Active Member
I stopped sharing (SS User Modules ) with both of my desktop and laptop pc's because of this issue of [Module Assets Folder].
If a module is shared pics and data will not be there in their (other persons pc) {windows path} without using [Module Assets Folder}.
This is understood now.
Question: one
Brandon made this change, Starting with SwordSearcher 7.1, images pasted into the user editor are automatically copied to the assets folder.
Does this mean that they are saved but not linked when sharing?
Hope this question is not crazy...
Question: two
When creating my own modules using [Module Assets Folder} and OneDrive as my copy, backup, and/or shared program does this mean that the modules will be read and or shared by both pc's correctly?
The assets folder is supposed to be kept in the same folder as the module, so when SwordSearcher links to something in the assets folder, the link in the module says to look in the same folder for the assets, so if you share, share both the module and assets folder - the recipient puts them both in the same folder on their end and the links are intact.
What about the OneDrive question, am I correct as well there, keeping both my Office and Laptop synced in this manner?
You taught me this well on my first Book module. Plus so much more. To all that helped. I hope you have checked my "updated" version of AOCW First Book Module I hope I learned something from all the advice.
Your module looks good. There are some links that do not work. I didn't check them all. I think the reason may be that you put some maps in the SS image directory in the program files folder. They probably work for you but not for anyone else. You should put all your images that you want to share with users - in the module assets folder in your user directory. Then create a topic in your module to display each picture. Then you could reference the topic in a link and it would display the picture. You would reference the topic by creating a link to the topic containing the picture.
For example:
Create a topic called map1 in your module.
In that topic you would put code like this to display an image using the html editor:
<img src="{moduleassets}/Paul's Journeys and Letters Timeline.png">

If the image displays correctly in the topic, map1, then link to that topic from the topic called 10 - Maps in Jesus Time using the insert link menu in the editor.

Here are a few links that I checked that do not work. When you look at the HTML code you will see that it refers to the the ssimage location.
<A href="ssimage:Maps/Paul's Journeys and Letters Timeline.png">Paul's Journeys and Letters Timeline</A>



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What about the OneDrive question, am I correct as well there, keeping both my Office and Laptop synced in this manner?
If the pcs are accessing the same modules and asset folders on your OneDrive, they will be getting the same information.
I thought I was ready to start a bible program called "Knife Finder", HA! Back to drawing board, or should I say CODE BOARD.
I see the mistake ...
At age 70 is my only excuse...
Thank you, you are an example of what Brandon is probably proud of in this SwordSearcher's Forum of Bible Believing Christians.
Sure glad folks on here are kind, AND VERY HELPFUL!!!
Will start to work on this tomorrow.
If the pcs are accessing the same modules and asset folders on your OneDrive, they will be getting the same information.
Thanks sir...
I think my reasoning was, when clicked on it could be zoomed in and out as all those in the ssimage folder. I need a insert "back to AOCW" link for each map to get back to the module. Seems like a lot more inside the module to get this done, is there another way?
WOW I did put some maps into the ssimage directory, thank you for spotting this. It was an idea that worked locally but not if shared so I missed that one. OK hope to get this done right.
Is there a way that I could get my maps to open inside a folder like SwordSearcher image viewer?
That's pretty nice. Mine are opening in default (windows) viewer now, all is working.
Your module looks good. There are some links that do not work. I didn't check them all. I think the reason may be that you put some maps in the SS image directory in the program files folder. They probably work for you but not for anyone else. You should put all your images that you want to share with users - in the module assets folder in your user directory. Then create a topic in your module to display each picture. Then you could reference the topic in a link and it would display the picture. You would reference the topic by creating a link to the topic containing the picture.
For example:
Create a topic called map1 in your module.
In that topic you would put code like this to display an image using the html editor:
<img src="{moduleassets}/Paul's Journeys and Letters Timeline.png">

If the image displays correctly in the topic, map1, then link to that topic from the topic called 10 - Maps in Jesus Time using the insert link menu in the editor.

Here are a few links that I checked that do not work. When you look at the HTML code you will see that it refers to the the ssimage location.
<A href="ssimage:Maps/Paul's Journeys and Letters Timeline.png">Paul's Journeys and Letters Timeline</A>

View attachment 2148
Uploaded corrected module, critiques if have time. I chose to place all images inside user assets folder.
This is what I uploaded as Updated Module, hope this is working. If I understood your directions.
SS images in 1-8 highlighted in BLUE
<LI><A href="ssimage:Maps/Life of Christ Map 1.png">Life of Christ 01 - Early

My Module Assets folder links highlighted in RED
href="file:///{ModuleAssets}/Paul Letters Timeline.jpg"><FONT
color=#ff0000>Paul Letters Timeline</FONT>
edit window.jpg
If the pcs are accessing the same modules and asset folders on your OneDrive, they will be getting the same information.
Thanks for the info.
By coding the maps as an image file they will open in whatever a user has for the Windows default image application (i.e. a browser, MSpaint, etc.). When I click on them they open in my default browser, Firefox. To get back to SS I close the browser or click on the SS tab on the windows toolbar.

It works.
Thank you for your input. It means a lot.
Now could one use the SS image viewer? If possible that would be ideal.
You saw my poor attempt to get it inside the SS image viewer so that it would be able to "zoom in and out" but as you stated that's only good for local not sharing. Thanks for pointing that out.
Thank you for your input. It means a lot.
Now could one use the SS image viewer? If possible that would be ideal.
You saw my poor attempt to get it inside the SS image viewer so that it would be able to "zoom in and out" but as you stated that's only good for local not sharing. Thanks for pointing that out.
Sorry, it's not connected that way. I still need to work on it to allow for adding content to the image viewer dynamically from external sources.