SwordSearcher 8.4 Released with new Quick Concordance Tool and more

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
SwordSearcher version 8.4 is now available.

We’ve got two new commentaries (34 volumes worth of content) and lots of great enhancements in SwordSearcher 8.4. A new search tool has been developed, called the Quick Concordance. The Quick Concordance is a fast way to do “on the side” searches that don’t interrupt your study flow. It’s updated live as you type and it’s instantaneous, offering an unlimited number of new “concordance tabs” in a floating window. The QC has been integrated into StudyClick and the various pop-up menus for fast access and seamless use.

Also, SwordSearcher has had an analytical concordance tool called the English-Strong’s Indexer for many years. For version 8.4 it’s had a complete overhaul and redesign to make it faster and more flexible.

See the complete list of updates below. If you’re a SwordSearcher user already, go here for your upgrade.

New Library Modules:

  • William Godbey’s Commentary on the New Testament [Commentary module: Godbey] (7 vols, 1910)
  • Joseph Parker’s People’s Bible Commentary [Commentary module: Parker] (27 vols, 1886-1898)
New Quick Concordance Tool:

  • A convenient new way to perform quick, “on-the-side” Bible searches without opening new verse list panels.
  • Floating tool window supporting an unlimited number of search tabs.
  • Instantaneous results display in the classic concordance layout as you type your searches, making it super-easy to get word and verse counts, without disrupting your current study flow.
Enhanced English-Strong’s Indexer:

  • SwordSearcher’s analytical concordance tool, known as the English-Strong’s Indexer (aka ESI), has been redesigned and expanded.
  • The ESI can now work on small phrases and Advanced Search Expressions; it is no longer limited to using a single word only.
  • By default, the ESI now includes multiple word forms in its matching.
  • To make the ESI more powerful as an analytical concordance, it now accepts Strong’s numbers as well as English text.
Other improvements:

  • The Bible panel book and chapter menus have been enhanced.
  • StudyClick improvements.
  • Verse List bar graph now allows clicks on books that have no matches. Doing this will bring the closest match position into view, so the bar graph can more easily be used to quickly navigate the results, without having to precisely click on a bar with results.
Many more enhancements and several bug fixes. All of the details can be seen here.
Brandon, is this the actual current release? Just wanting to make sure.

Yes, is the current release.
😁 Congratulations on your new release! 😁
Man, you guys are fast!! I ordered and installed it as soon as I got the email; just finished the process. :)
I just want to say thank you Brandon etc...
It's just about getting to where all I need is a Bible on my desk and the Sword Searcher. I'm not wasting money on junk books any longer. Wish I'd learnt sooner!
Thank you Brandon for your work. Always look forward to the upgrade every year. While I don't always feel I need to upgrade I always do because I believe it is a good investment in the work you do. Even after purchasing all the upgrades year after year I still have not invested in Sword Searcher near what I would have in what in my opinion would have been an inferior Bible program from another company. Thank for providing a quality program at a reasonable cost. Thank you for being accountable and accessable.
Thank you Brandon for another GREAT update. God has indeed blessed you and you have been a tremendous blessing to us all 🤗!

Stay safe all 🙏
Still excellent, still progressing, still responsive to users, after alllllllllllllllll this time (SS v.3, anyone?)!
Mr. Staggs, ....
I think it would be nice to have some kind of "Ouverture" type of "Promo" video, ...
Opening with some forum's quotes, visual screenshot show, narrative from you, something that would pop up on login in into the Forum...????
(something that "we" on the forum could "disable" if we want to.)
Even a "quick YouTube" promo, that would link the customer to SwordSearcher Web Page, and/or Forum's page too.
you need to try it to feel the SS8.4 power.
"If you taste the SS8.4, you surely get addicted to the "WORD !"
PS: this idea is "free copyrighted".... lollll 😁 🐸
One of our Bible Instructors not long ago on his Facebook page mentioned the Commentary of Joseph Parker.
I replied to him the good news that I now possessed this Commentary because of SS 8.4 upgrade!
Made me feel good. 😏

Champing at the bit for the next release!
Thank you, I appreciate that. :)

It's going to be a while still. I don't have an estimated release timeframe for the next one right now. I am working on it though.
Brandon, congratulations again on this release. Always gets better, as hard as that is to believe...