SwordSearcher on Linux

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Linux does not support wingdings fonts, only webdings. I think not much outside of MS supports wingdings.
Hello All...I'm a first time forum poster and wanted to share my experience with SS7 on Linux CentOS 6.9 (final release).

I downloaded the WINE 3.0 source code, on top of a Dell desktop.
Windows had crashed on me, so I decided to turn the desktop into a CentOS 6.9 desktop (recycling, I guess) and a bit of tinkering. :) It is so new, I have yet to fully setup the Linux desktop. I'll need to get an Avatar out here.

Either way, suffice to say, that SS7 works grand on WINE 3.0, once all the appropriate rpms were downloaded (that was an interesting experience) and subsequently compiled, then configure, make depend, make install, etc. I also downloaded winetricks and ran the winetricks -q ie7. I ad to update some PKG_CONFIG_PATH variables within the configure file.

Brandon, I have to say, that SS is by far and away the best Bible Software. You have done a wonderful job with this and I thank you!


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Hello All...I'm a first time forum poster and wanted to share my experience with SS7 on Linux CentOS 6.9 (final release).

I downloaded the WINE 3.0 source code, on top of a Dell desktop.
Windows had crashed on me, so I decided to turn the desktop into a CentOS 6.9 desktop (recycling, I guess) and a bit of tinkering. :) It is so new, I have yet to fully setup the Linux desktop. I'll need to get an Avatar out here.

Either way, suffice to say, that SS7 works grand on WINE 3.0, once all the appropriate rpms were downloaded (that was an interesting experience) and subsequently compiled, then configure, make depend, make install, etc. I also downloaded winetricks and ran the winetricks -q ie7. I ad to update some PKG_CONFIG_PATH variables within the configure file.

Brandon, I have to say, that SS is by far and away the best Bible Software. You have done a wonderful job with this and I thank you!

[[Welcome to the SwordSearcher user forums! So glad to meet a fellow Nixer!! (you'll find super great folks here) ]]

Now that's persistence! :) I could never get used to the display disparity between WINE and native MSWindows OS's. So I just gave up in favor of pretty SwordSearcher display in native Windows over my other MS issues. SwordSearcher 8.2 in Win 10 on a 2K and up display is amazingly crisp clean and comfortable. Love Linux as I do, dislike MS equally as much... but can't live without SwordSearcher and so I use Win 10 most or even sometimes 7 or XP in a VM to get by in Linux (better than WINE or Crossover visually**), but my native Win 10 set up with that 2K display keeps me using it there when possible. (**boxes, shading, font rendering, color mapping and color management profile respect and contrast, and oh some font choices like certain Adobe fonts and so on available in Win that are copyright protected that came with Photoshop and other apps I own and so on... I'm a bit visually motivated you might say)
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Why thank you very much, it is also great to see a 'Nix guy, indeed. My next attempt is to load the Nvidia drivers, and see how that turns out (inittab became my best friend) :). I started out years ago on Solaris, and am now an AIX\Linux Admin guy who gets to architect SAS GRIDS on AIX, Enterprise Backup and now onto Enterprise Cloud backups (a vendors dream). I love to play with Linux, and I really enjoy using it here at home. Like you, I am no longer a Windows fan (security flaws are my concern), but I understand for many the need to keep it. It does actually do some things quite well. :) The rendering I have here is not as nice as Windows, but I so wanted to keep SS7, that I decided to throw away the CentOS 6* wine package that was native to the OS, and recompile using Wine 3.0 (stable release). Thus far, I am quite pleased. The biggest challenge(s) were finding the correct 32 Bit devel* packages and tweaking the configuration file for make. Truth be told, I could have loaded my SS7 onto a Windows 7 laptop, but decided against it. My lovely wife just shakes her head at me sometime. Thanks for the reach out and reply, as well! The Lord bless you and have a great weekend! - Chris
I sure can...the screen shots are not completely indicative of what I see. They appear blurry a bit, but I do not see that blur. I will say they are not as crisp as they are on windows, partly due to my native Linux graphics rpm. My next adventure is to load the Linux Nvidia drivers and hope my inittab level works. :) Please see attached. If you'd like specific shots, I can provide those, too.


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Thanks for posting those. I wish Wine/Crossover would render the controls like it was the 21st century, but at least they render. I remember when it was 1998 and it was supposed to look like that. ;) As long as it works! I have one non-Windows machine I am using for some unrelated development work, and I tried this, and the performance was not acceptable for me.
You sir, are very welcome. Agreed, rendering leaves a bit to be desired with WINE. I have played with the fonts and sizes, as well as tab colors to improve it a bit, but it doesn't look like it did on my Windows box. However, like you said, it works without glitches thus far and is very functional.
I have given up on SS on Linux, every update or two always breaks something. Codeweavers on my Mac however runs good, looks good, still has the webding missing icons thing but works for me.


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I have given up on SS on Linux, every update or two always breaks something. Codeweavers on my Mac however runs good, looks good, still has the webding missing icons thing but works for me.
Thanks you guys for the screen shots, I just got a sale "flyer" from CodeWeavers and am wondering if it doesn't work a little more consistently than my VM's with XP? (same vm software and same winxp, but different results with different host OS's ... hmm free trial again on crossover?...
anyway, here is a dual screen shot from my win10 machine that the resultant image won't let you see how clean it really is on the machine itself because of jpg lossy image compression required when saving the screenshot to upload it.
you have to click the button "show in original location" button after clicking the thumbnail, to activate the magnifying/zoom in lense. it is a big picture.
screen today.JPG
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I have given up on SS on Linux, every update or two always breaks something. Codeweavers on my Mac however runs good, looks good, still has the webding missing icons thing but works for me.

No being one to give up, I discovered that VirtualBox will allow SS to run in Linux as if....
This thread really answered my question concerning whether it will run in WINE under Ubuntu or not. Now I am DEFINITELY going to buy it and run it in my xubuntu laptop! Thanks and I am looking forward to how much it can help me with my studies and evangelistic ministry! God bless you!
This thread really answered my question concerning whether it will run in WINE under Ubuntu or not. Now I am DEFINITELY going to buy it and run it in my xubuntu laptop! Thanks and I am looking forward to how much it can help me with my studies and evangelistic ministry! God bless you!

Keep in mind the last time someone confirmed it would work under WINE was years ago. If you don't already have SwordSearcher, be sure to use the evaluation version on the website to see if it will work adequately for you under WINE before you make a purchase. Using SwordSearcher with WINE is definitely not supported, though I would be happy to hear it works for you.
I've locked this thread as it is very outdated. I've posted an updated thread with a guide to getting SwordSearcher working with Wine:

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