Thanks Bill. Windows Live Mesh sounds great except that I'm still in the olden days using XP.
In my Module file alone I have 1.19 GB of data - but I have not kept up with all new modules available.My SS Location - C:\Users\owass\SwordSearcher (My SS Data is here)
Default SS Location - C:\Users\owass\OneDrive\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules (No SS data here) Empty folder is all.
I use Office 365 with OneDrive (cloud storage) so this is my setup, sure there are many other ways to do it as well.
Different, but works for me.
I do have one comment. My SS Folder is [1.17 GB with 947 files 13 folders]. Is this comparable to others? This is Scourby, JVM, WW, notes outlines etc. Wondered if that is normal out there?
If you paste in Notepad you don't even have to work at removing the hyperlinksThank you! My first request was pre-mature for certain. I am looking into it as per your advice here. I will establish my Master Machine, copy that folder and run Sync before using SS on second machine. I did notice my laptop Win 11 is only different in "Appearance" with my desktop Win 10 Pro I hope; and not in functionality as per SS software. So I think I will go ahead with my testing.
Question for you. I copied a sermon from the web with its own Hyperlinks to an online bible, I can remove Hyperlinks from a Word doc easily. But using the editor in SS I am lost as what and where the tools may be. Just curious if there. I see that you provide the tools in "code view" Find/Replace but lengthy so I opted for MS Word.
They will function the same as for SwordSearcher.I did notice my laptop Win 11 is only different in "Appearance" with my desktop Win 10 Pro I hope; and not in functionality as per SS software.
You can do a "Paste as plain text"I can remove Hyperlinks from a Word doc easily. But using the editor in SS I am lost as what and where the tools may be. Just curious if there.