Another of my favorite features is being able to type a list (even a loooong list) of verse references, then Ctrl + t and, Voilà! all the verses are instantly written out!
And one more, Scan Text for Verse References.
I must say, there are different favorites for each task I'm doing in SwordSearcher. These are the ones I'm using today.
like do you mean where it shows the other Bible verses next to the verse? When you put your mouse cursor over the verse?
Well, that too. My main meaning is that it will find books and commentaries that have even Psalm 1:4 listed whether it is by itself or in a string of verses.
I have a lot of features I love. Like someone said above, one of my very favorite is Brandon's support. He is patient with me and links me to his vast treasure trove of knowledgebase when needed.
Software side, it is the audio bible sync. In my life I have had three head injuries with concussions. This makes concentration extremely hard for me. Before the last one, I was a Bible teacher and researched deep into topics. After the last one, my mind drifts off when trying to research. The scourby audio bible keeps me on track with the KJV text. People have told me to go to easier to read Bibles, but I am a KJV guy. (KJV only, though that is frowned on by some). The software helps me stay on track. So, for me, it is the "Ease of access" of hearing and being able to use dark mode and big text to see since my eyes are dimming.
Both above (Brandon and feature) keep me able to study and read the Bible in ways I cannot otherwise.