Audio Bible Support in SwordSearcher

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Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Support for integration of an audio Bible into the SwordSearcher Bible panel is a feature in version 6.1 and later.

With Bible audio support, you can play narrations of the Bible with familiar audio controls in the Bible panel.

SwordSearcher does not include an audio Bible, but instead, supports "linking" MP3 Bible file sets available from various sources. To enable Bible audio in SwordSearcher, you must obtain the audio files and link them in SwordSearcher with the easy-to-use Configure Bible Audio window.

Update April 2015: The recommendations below are obsolete because AMG no longer publishes their audio Bible.

---> Please go to the new audio Bible support thread for new recommendations, <---

or view the audio Bible support page on the SwordSearcher web site.

Recommended audio Bible for use with SwordSearcher

The Complete Bible: King James Version.
Narrated by Alexander Scourby
MP3 files on CD-ROM.

Published by AMG Publishers.

ISBN-10: 0899575951
ISBN-13: 978-0899575957​

For the best audio integration, it is recommended that you purchase the Audio Bible MP3 CD-ROM set, narrated by Alexander Scourby, published by AMG Publishers. Use the link above to purchase from, or find the product at a local reseller using the exact ISBN listed above. (At the time of this writing, the cost of this audio Bible is less than $15 US.)

StudyLamp Software LLC is not affiliated with AMG Publishers or Litchfield Associates. "Alexander Scourby" is a trademark of Litchfield Associates Ltd.

Why use this specific audio Bible?

SwordSearcher supports verse-level synchronized playback of the AMG KJV Bible audio files. This means that you can have the Bible panel highlight and scroll individual verses as the narration plays, and you can play verse lists aloud from a Bible search. Only the AMG Publishers product listed above supports this level of integration in SwordSearcher.

What will I need to do?

Once you purchase the CD-ROM set, you need to copy all of the files from each disc to your computer. Using Windows Explorer, create a folder on your hard drive and give it a name like "AMG Scourby MP3s" and copy all of the contents from each disc from the CD-ROM set to this folder. Follow the instructions listed below for setting up audio in SwordSearcher.

Other audio Bible file sets you can use

While we highly recommend the MP3 audio Bible above, SwordSearcher supports several other MP3 audio Bibles. In order to link an audio Bible in SwordSearcher, there must be one file per chapter of the Bible, in MP3, WMA, or WAV format. The following audio Bibles have been tested and are known to work in SwordSearcher:

  • The Listener's Bible narrated by Max McLean (MP3 download). Available from .
  • Stephen Johnston's KJV MP3 Bible from (Go to their website, click KJV MP3 Bible, and then click the link at the top that says "download entire Bible."
  • Bible.Is downloaded audio files. (I have only tested the KJV set. You need to get the complete set with both Testaments. Support for this audio set was added in SwordSearcher 7.0.)
The above MP3 Bibles are known to work in SwordSearcher. Other file sets may also work, as long as they contain one chapter per file and the file names contain recognizable scripture references. Because SwordSearcher only plays the audio from the files, it does not matter what Bible version is used in the audio, and the audio can be played regardless of which Bible text is active or visible in SwordSearcher.​

StudyLamp Software LLC is not affiliated with any of the companies publishing the audio files mentioned above.

Configuring SwordSearcher to integrate your MP3 Bible is easy to do. Go to File > Configure Bible Audio to get started. You can see step-by-step instructions in the program help file or right here.
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I found that the verse level playback also works with the Scourby Audio files that are available for Online Bible. If you have previously purchased that product, you can use the 1189 .wav files with SwordSearcher 6.1. In addition you will need to download and install the following free utility program:

These wav files are compressed and only take up 261 MB instead of 3.5 gigabytes. The quality of the wav audio is not quite as good but is certainly very useable.
I found that the verse level playback also works with the Scourby Audio files that are available for Online Bible. If you have previously purchased that product, you can use the 1189 .wav files with SwordSearcher 6.1. In addition you will need to download and install the following free utility program:

These wav files are compressed and only take up 261 MB instead of 3.5 gigabytes. The quality of the wav audio is not quite as good but is certainly very useable. right clicking they go right to the verse in the Scourby Audio File:) Goes to the right spot every time.

Kudo's Brandon-- great update with a lot of new toys, enhancements that really are a blessing. The widgets are just too cool! Am appreciative and thankful how you use your knowledge and talents for the Lord. A great tool for the ministry. Nice additions in the CD..........will be ordering.

Thanks again Brandon! Have to give Bill props as well for all the time and effort he puts in and shares with us.

Does all this mean that you can read each verse individually in Scourby? If so, can you begin the reading in the chapter anywhere except the first verse and continue the reading to the end of the chapter and then into the next chapters, etc.?

If there IS a way to do this, is there a way to do the same with Johnston's mp3 bible?

Regie right clicking they go right to the verse in the Scourby Audio File:) Goes to the right spot every time.

Kudo's Brandon-- great update with a lot of new toys, enhancements that really are a blessing. The widgets are just too cool! Am appreciative and thankful how you use your knowledge and talents for the Lord. A great tool for the ministry. Nice additions in the CD..........will be ordering.

Thanks again Brandon! Have to give Bill props as well for all the time and effort he puts in and shares with us.

Does all this mean that you can read each verse individually in Scourby? If so, can you begin the reading in the chapter anywhere except the first verse and continue the reading to the end of the chapter and then into the next chapters, etc.?

If there IS a way to do this, is there a way to do the same with Johnston's mp3 bible?

Yes.........I can right click, then click PLAY AUDIO from the verse I select and it will pick up from that point on.

Also if you click .....AUTOMATICALLY PLAY NEXT CHAPTER in the pull down menu it will continue as well. If I recall Brandon gave a link somewhere to another KJV MP3 provider that might be freeware.

I'm not familiar with Johnston's, however if you set up the way Brandon explains in the TUTORIAL see how it works. The program is very "user friendly" and will give you a "success" when it is compatible.

The audio is a very cool and unique tool to have.
Does all this mean that you can read each verse individually in Scourby? If so, can you begin the reading in the chapter anywhere except the first verse and continue the reading to the end of the chapter and then into the next chapters, etc.?

If there IS a way to do this, is there a way to do the same with Johnston's mp3 bible?


If you are using the AMG Scourby narration linked in the top post, that is exactly how it works. There will be a verse widget right next to each verse, which when clicked, starts playing audio right at the exact verse and continues on though the chapter or until you stop it. (Or you can shift-click it to play only that verse.) If you want audio to continue playing though to the next chapter automatically, you can set it that way, too.

Individual verse playback does not work the same for other audio sources. For example, with the Johnston audio files, SwordSearcher can try to estimate the starting position of the verse, but it isn't exact.

I hope to produce a demo video soon showing the AMG Scourby audio support in SwordSearcher. The link at the top of the thread will take you to the Amazon listing for the MP3 CDs in question and right now it's only $12. A great deal; I highly recommend it. Update: looks like the price changed in the last day and is now $16.99.
If I recall Brandon gave a link somewhere to another KJV MP3 provider that might be freeware.

The Johnston narration from is free to download. It does work in SwordSearcher on a chapter-based level. However, the Johnston narration isn't without its problems. It feels very rushed, especially on long chapters like Psalm 119; like he's just trying to get it done already. He misses words in places, and some chapters are just incorrectly done. So, even though it's free, I'd still recommend that people order the AMG MP3 Bible linked in the top post instead, if they don't already have a compatible MP3 Bible.

The Max McLean Listener's Bible is excellent as well. In some ways I prefer it to Scourby (please don't burn me at the stake for saying that), but again, it only has chapter-level support, though the automatic scrolling works very well with McLean's narration.
If you are using the AMG Scourby narration linked in the top post, that is exactly how it works. There will be a verse widget right next to each verse, which when clicked, starts playing audio right at the exact verse and continues on though the chapter or until you stop it. (Or you can shift-click it to play only that verse.) If you want audio to continue playing though to the next chapter automatically, you can set it that way, too.

Individual verse playback does not work the same for other audio sources. For example, with the Johnston audio files, SwordSearcher can try to estimate the starting position of the verse, but it isn't exact.

I hope to produce a demo video soon showing the AMG Scourby audio support in SwordSearcher. The link at the top of the thread will take you to the Amazon listing for the MP3 CDs in question and right now it's only $12. A great deal; I highly recommend it. Update: looks like the price changed in the last day and is now $16.99.
Better make sure I clarify that my Scourby Version must only be compatible to a I do not have the audio widget for individual verse playback, thus the reason to right click for individual verse playback.

Reckon I will need to purchase the recommended MP3 for compatibility as designed:)
I got the Scourby download but I cannot get it to work for me in my Windows Vista Home Edition. I keep getting "You must select a folder from a drive on your computer."

Is there a special place where you have to put these files in Vista? I got the download from the site.

Ah, I think I have it figured out now.

Thanks though,
p.s. If anyone else has the problem I will tell what I did.
I got the Scourby download but I cannot get it to work for me in my Windows Vista Home Edition. I keep getting "You must select a folder from a drive on your computer."

Is there a special place where you have to put these files in Vista? I got the download from the site.

It will work from an external HD....., however not to worry about if I have it plugged in I just made a FOLDER in the SWORD SEARCHER File (C drive, Program Files), MODULES that says MP3 Audio and just copied and pasted all 66 books inside. I then went to CONFIGURE AUDIO, did as it said where it it confirmed the LINK was good and all is working:)
A new problem has developed. I cannot get the widget to show on each individual verse. There are the regular? 4 widgets showing and that is all.

A new problem has developed. I cannot get the widget to show on each individual verse. There are the regular? 4 widgets showing and that is all.

Well number Brandon said, Scourby is not set up where individual verses are accessed using the SS audio widget, however if you click-highlight whatever verse you want to delve into then right click-- you will see where SS will allow you to listen, start at that particular verse in lieu of having to listen to the whole chapter.

Also you can go into PREFERENCES to access, link and view more WIDGETS in your BIBLE PANEL.

Let me know what happens............
I got the Scourby download but I cannot get it to work for me in my Windows Vista Home Edition. I keep getting "You must select a folder from a drive on your computer."

Is there a special place where you have to put these files in Vista? I got the download from the site.


You said you got it to work, but just for completeness in case someone else is reading -- you just need to extract the downloaded file to a location on your hard drive.

BTW, as it says in the top post, the download files do not support individual verse-level playback. You can still play them by chapter and have automatic scrolling, of course, but the individual verse playback functions only work with the AMG MP3 set mentioned in the top post. The files have different timings.
A new problem has developed. I cannot get the widget to show on each individual verse. There are the regular? 4 widgets showing and that is all.

In the top post, this is explained. The only MP3 Bible that works with the individual verse playback controls is the AMG Scourby MP3 set. The ones from are different. This is why I highly recommend the AMG audio Bible instead.

I hope to produce a demo video soon showing the AMG Scourby audio support in SwordSearcher. The link at the top of the thread will take you to the Amazon listing for the MP3 CDs in question and right now it's only $12. A great deal; I highly recommend it. Update: looks like the price changed in the last day and is now $16.99.

Just for fun I did an online search for AMG audio Bible Scourby and found that you can get it from other sources. It's available at Barnes and Noble for $12.23 and it looks like Amazon has matched that price. :)
Just for fun I did an online search for AMG audio Bible Scourby and found that you can get it from other sources. It's available at Barnes and Noble for $12.23 and it looks like Amazon has matched that price. :)

Yes, Amazon's price seemed to fluctuate a bit. In my opinion, anything less than $20 is a bargain for this MP3 Bible. For other people reading here, and just to clarify: The AMG MP3 Bible that SwordSearcher is designed to work best with can be purchased from many different retailers. I only link to the Amazon listing for convenience. Just be sure that you're getting the product with the following ISBN:

ISBN-10: 0899575951
ISBN-13: 978-0899575957

(Someone asked me what the difference is between the two numbers. The answer is that there is no difference. The ISBN system has a 10 digit and a 13 digit identification. Either number will match to the correct product.)
Amazon is great to deal with also, quick service and this week I got another surprise.

Greetings from

We're writing to let you know we processed your refund of $0.58 for your Order 002-5205269-4069855.

This refund is for the following item(s):

Item: Complete Bible: King James Version
Quantity: 1
ASIN: 0899575951
Reason for refund: Export fee reduced

Here's a the breakdown of your refund for this item:

Export Charge Refund: $0.58
Better make sure I clarify that my Scourby Version must only be compatible to a I do not have the audio widget for individual verse playback, thus the reason to right click for individual verse playback.

Reckon I will need to purchase the recommended MP3 for compatibility as designed:)

Evidently you did like I did and got yours from for I have the same problem. The one must be different from the one we got.

Evidently you did like I did and got yours from for I have the same problem. The one must be different from the one we got.


That's correct. I've got both sets and the source was "remastered" and has different timing than the AMG MP3 Bible that SwordSearcher works best with. I tried to keep this clear in the top post and help file:

The Alexander Scourby? Audio Bible from (voice-only or dramatized; MP3 download). Important: this is not the same audio file set as the recommended AMG Publishers' edition above. The files from do not support verse-level synchronized playback and are limited to chapter-only playback.
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