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  1. Pastor Langley

    Book Modules

    </STRONG><A href="swordsearcher://book/00%20-%20Index%20Page"><FONT size=3>Return to Index</FONT></A></P></TD> GOT IT!!!! Wow that was easy after 1 1/2 years of failure and trying.. Ha! Thanks all on the forum.
  2. Pastor Langley

    Book Modules

    Got most links done. Cannot get above my tables to add link? Using Sword Searcher Editor. Will play with HTML code some there. Found other things needed fixing while doing this. Thank you for the help sir!!!
  3. Pastor Langley

    Book Modules

    Thank you sir! I must have failed to make clear what I wanted. Absolutely thank you for that "topics 10-21" error, will fix that today! Work on that today. Do all links work and all maps OPEN?
  4. Pastor Langley

    Book Modules

    I am formatting a book at present for a friend in Europe. He has been a personal friend for 22 years. He is a Missionary 50 years 15 years living in Israel, last 30 in Paris. Holding Camps in Romania for 30 years. Soon hope to get 400 books printed. Working on getting it into SwordSearcher now...
  5. Pastor Langley

    Links and Such in Book Modules

    YEP, even when you thought you had a better idea. Ha!
  6. Pastor Langley

    KJV Spelling of Zachariah, or Zechariah

    Thanks all! Again all I was asking is the correct spelling of the book of... Zacariah? uses "e" or "a". Will use above spelling as in KJV, embarrassed of this. Seems it is in the KJV "e" thanks again. Forgive me... Another lesson on "Study the Word" and so foolishly have I done this thing. Book...
  7. Pastor Langley

    KJV Spelling of Zachariah, or Zechariah

    Need SS Forum advice. Used this spelling all my life: Zachariah Any input will be helpful. Someone pointed out that this is an "e" not "a". They say - Zechariah Is the "a" simply used for us Americans? The more I search it looks like an "e". My question is not on names, but OT Book of Zechariah...
  8. Pastor Langley

    Links and Such in Book Modules

    You guys have been very helpful and much appreciated. Now one other thought, can one use TOC as a useful feature building book modules. Is there a "BETTER WAY" or is there many ways? Thank God there is only one way to Heaven, that is Jesus Christ John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way...
  9. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    Thank you for your input. It means a lot. Now could one use the SS image viewer? If possible that would be ideal. You saw my poor attempt to get it inside the SS image viewer so that it would be able to "zoom in and out" but as you stated that's only good for local not sharing. Thanks for...
  10. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    Thanks for the info.
  11. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    Is there a way that I could get my maps to open inside a folder like SwordSearcher image viewer? That's pretty nice. Mine are opening in default (windows) viewer now, all is working. Uploaded corrected module, critiques if have time. I chose to place all images inside user assets folder. This...
  12. Pastor Langley

    All of Christ's Words - All Of Christ's Words

    A simple study of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Ver 6.0 is much better after forum users gave advice and wisdom. Much appreciated to all! Thank you.
  13. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    WOW I did put some maps into the ssimage directory, thank you for spotting this. It was an idea that worked locally but not if shared so I missed that one. OK hope to get this done right.
  14. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    I think my reasoning was, when clicked on it could be zoomed in and out as all those in the ssimage folder. I need a insert "back to AOCW" link for each map to get back to the module. Seems like a lot more inside the module to get this done, is there another way?
  15. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    I thought I was ready to start a bible program called "Knife Finder", HA! Back to drawing board, or should I say CODE BOARD. I see the mistake ... At age 70 is my only excuse... Thank you, you are an example of what Brandon is probably proud of in this SwordSearcher's Forum of Bible Believing...
  16. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    You taught me this well on my first Book module. Plus so much more. To all that helped. I hope you have checked my "updated" version of AOCW First Book Module I hope I learned something from all the advice.
  17. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    THANK YOU... What about the OneDrive question, am I correct as well there, keeping both my Office and Laptop synced in this manner?
  18. Pastor Langley

    Sword Searcher 7.1 and module assets folders

    I stopped sharing (SS User Modules ) with both of my desktop and laptop pc's because of this issue of [Module Assets Folder]. If a module is shared pics and data will not be there in their (other persons pc) {windows path} without using [Module Assets Folder}. This is understood now. Question...
  19. Pastor Langley

    Books abbreviated or not?

    I saw this somewhere. When making abbreviations for Bible Books just cannot find it: 1 Sam, 1 Samuel, i Sam SS gets it right every time THATS GREAT not what asking here... Why the different colors is what am asking. This is a Commentary Module. "Style and Format Cleaner" used before sending...