Search results

  1. Johnny NL

    News Letter /Rapture

    I am exited every time with the SwordSearcher's News Letter... It tells me that we are all still here, and validate also that I am NOT a "left behind".;) Also...I couldn't find anything in the News Letter about a SS10,📚 did I miss something?... my $30💰 is ready, locked, and loaded.... :D:p...
  2. Johnny NL

    Italic words

    Does any one knows "HOW" to search for ITALIC words in KJV SS9 ? ? ?
  3. Johnny NL

    The four (4) Gospels preached in the New Testament.

    Does anyone knows how to search, and knows the 4 Gospels preached in the NEW Testament ? (The SS9 is NOT the problem, my brain is) >>1. Paul's Gospel, Gospel of Grace, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. (Grace by Faith in the Blood only/NO works.) >>2. The Everlasting Gospel; preached by an Angel...
  4. Johnny NL

    Mistake in Alexander Scourby

    1 Corinthians 4:8 Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings (gods) without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you. (KJV) Mr. Scourby reads gods instead of kings. loll, Do I have a bad version ? ? ? please, check and let me know.
  5. Johnny NL

    UPTime and SwordSearcher

    I will be giving my testimony tomorrow night on UPTime, and of course talk about SwordSearcher, and all its Features. Here's the link:
  6. Johnny NL

    Prayer Tracker

    Prayer Tracker Program is my best to go tool to keep "Track" of all my prayers over years. Probably since when you created it Sir. "How" hard it would be to turn it into a "Dark Mode" program? --> For those who are wondering what I'm talking about: it is the "DAILY BIBLE and PRAYER" program to...
  7. Johnny NL

    2022 . . . ?

    In the "uncertainty" of 2022, with what's on the go with all those "Last Days" verses from OUR KJV, I still wanna take time to wish all the Blessings from the Lord, to ALLLL SS9 members, here in the blog, but also to the full extend of all your family members. I wanna Specially Praise the LORD...
  8. Johnny NL

    Save Current Layout.

    I think this was brought up before, I just can't find the ref. Future version; would it be possible to have a "possibility/Button" to Save the current Layout "WITH" all Tabs/Panels/Books/Commentaries/Search, opened/used, and the possibility to "return" to a previous original "Saved Layout"...
  9. Johnny NL


    Auto-hide: I'v been using that feature for many years, and the panel chosen for auto-hide, always showed up on the "right" edge, or the Left" edge. NOW, if I chose a panel to be auto-hide, and the Tab shows up at the bottom, which make that panel WAY too W I D E on my 48" monitor...
  10. Johnny NL

    F1 - HELP menu

    OK, lets put aside the "shame" of not using: F1 - HELP menu. I know I should be using it more often . . . (maybe I would have a lot less "funny" questions. loll) Every time that I click F1, I can here the song: " H e l l o . . . is it me ye lookin' for ? " ;) Like 2x days ago, the answer...
  11. Johnny NL

    Search termination of a word

    Is there an easy way to search "termination" of a word. like word that ends by ... ions? I just can't figure this one... thanks.
  12. Johnny NL


    Marnin' Ya'all . . . Was wondering if there was an easy way to change the Ctrl+F Highlight color, from yellow to something else ? (it kind of conflict with my color code of my regular highlights.) I would love to set it as: 255 0 255
  13. Johnny NL

    Screen shots.

    There are 47 Bibles so far. This is awesome for comparison !
  14. Johnny NL

    Books/Commentaries counter.

    Would it be possible to have some kinda/type of counter, to see "how many" of them books/commentaries, included/downloaded, besides counting them one by one thru the list? thanks. (unless there would be a way already. loll) Thank You Sir.
  15. Johnny NL

    NO SS9 for 16 hours ! ! !

    Just got back online . . . Hurricane Larry cat #1, just hit Newfoundland last night, 100 miles/H winds, lost power for 16 hours, we received it rough I'd say. Debris everywhere, but Praise the Lord; prayers DOES work ! No damages on the house, all through out the island, NO casualties. High...
  16. Johnny NL

    Search box issu.

    As I write a ref/book/chap into the search box, if I write Mt24, it comes up only as Mt1. I restarted my SS9, but it works the first time I use it, it stop working properly.... Did I "hit" a wrong set up ? thanks.
  17. Johnny NL

    Screenshot upload.

    When I try to upload a "screenshot", I've got the message: "Oops file too large". This is only a screenshot. Is there a way to "make it fit?". Thanks.
  18. Johnny NL

    SS 8.4 / LG 49"

    SwordSearcher 8.4 with a LG 49" , A "NEW WOW" in 2 Timothy 2:15 ! I praise the LORD for SwordSearcher, Be Blessed Mr. Staggs, YOU Sir and your WHOLE family ! AMEN!
  19. Johnny NL

    Reading Schedule

    Which file contains the "reading schedule". I would just transfer my reading schedule from my main computer's SS8 to my SS8 in my laptop? (without the "cloud" thing.) thanks.
  20. Johnny NL

    Verse Number Search

    Just wondering, ... is there a way to search "ONLY" verses number? example: 16:11, to see all the verses 16:11 in the whole Bible.