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User-submitted J. Vernon McGee Audio File Journal 1.1
A calendar linked to audio files

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Thank you so much sir! I knew that there was a way...
Headed there later on when have time. Thank you!
Well now I got excited and tried now but not worked.
1 - JVMAlt-Assets 7/3/2023 JVMAlt-Assets folder
2 - cal.gif 7/23/2023 JVMAlt-Assets inside same

3 - JVMAlt 7/3/2023 SS5BOOK File

Above files located in: C:\Users\owass\OneDrive\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules
All of SS is working. Followed your instructions, but no directory found C:\jvma
Ctrl+H to open the Replace dialog, type c:\jvma in the Text to find box, then type the file location of your choice in the Replace with box.
Added pic of what happened.
If the Onedrive is the culprit then I will work that out later, all is working so not urgent. I am seeing that what you said makes perfect sense, just that the C:\jvma directory is not in that SS edit area, unless I need to make a directory change. That is for another day and some coffee. Thank you for reply. I will continue to check the other directory and see what is going on.
The other thing I noticed is that I cannot get a page that has "ALL" the mp3 files, but only one at a time. Pic below... This is where they all should be but was afraid to say change all for thought I would be stuck in doing 351 times.

This can be done easy but it would mean doing that edit 351 times. I am not sure why the page is not coming up with all the URL's for the mp3's. This was done before I am sure of it just needed some guidance.
I will check back tomorrow. Thank you for pointing me in right direction.
The c:\jvma directory is where the audio files were originally stored - and named in the calendar file. If you moved the audio files to a different directory (folder), you would name that directory in the code.

The calendar page - the first page in the module that shows the calendar has all the files listed. If you want to change the individual pages, you do need to do that one page at a time. So try editing the first page that just shows the calendar. It won't change the individual pages, but you can access the audio files from that first calendar page.
I'm looking at your code - you may have a different jvma audio module that I do... Just looked and, yes, you're working on a different module. If it was me, if you have it working now, I'd leave it alone - unless you want to change each page.

I have a module named "JVMA" and one named "JVMA-Alt" - I'm telling you about the JVMA module and you're working on the JVMA-Alt module. Sorry.
So are you saying that one can be done all at once if I have the right page?
No I would not change 350 more pages I did try one and sure enough it says that page changed no others so tells me that I would have to do all of them, but somewhere I did this on a page and all changed. I'll dig a little deeper. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Something to look into.
So are you saying that one can be done all at once if I have the right page?
No I would not change 350 more pages I did try one and sure enough it says that page changed no others so tells me that I would have to do all of them, but somewhere I did this on a page and all changed. I'll dig a little deeper. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Something to look into.
I downloaded the file at the beginning of this thread but didn't unzip it as I was being lazy, but when I looked at it, the module name was just JVMA. I'll move my files to a safe place and set the downloaded file up and take a look now. Give me a minute - I'll be baaack...
Ok, it looks like the file that you can download here has the calendar page with the audio files all linked on that page, then individual day pages where you can take notes are separate, and the audio files are not named there (you have to click on the date on the calendar page to start the audio, then select the day from the drop-down list entries). You could change the audio file locations all at once like I described in my first response. What you'll need to do first is tuck away your current JVMA module to a folder that isn't linked to SwordSearcher - I made a JVMA Backup folder in Documents and then moved my current JVMA module file there. If you don't move it, there will be a name conflict when you open SwordSearcher as two modules with the same name can't be opened. The JVMA Assets folder just contains the calendar gif, so you can just leave it there, or move the current one with the module file and set up the new one. So...
1. create a backup folder outside of SwordSearcher
2. move your current jvma module (and jvma assets folder) to the backup folder
3. open SwordSearcher to make sure the jvma module isn't there
4. download the zipped file from this thread
5. unzip the zipped file into the SwordSearcher folder
6. make sure the new jvma module shows up in SwordSearcher
7. open the calendar page in the editor and replace c:\jvma to the file location of the audio files on your computer
OK coffee brewing starting in a minute. Thank you. Also noticed something about SS ver. 7 or later needed to "assets" thingy. Not a problem here but read a message on it. Now cannot find that. Oh well back to desk.
Can both be installed? JVMA and JVMAlt
Does it matter? Wanted to see the difference in them so going for both.
Practice will help me.
Just downloaded all three.
3 books.jpg
Can both be installed? JVMA and JVMAlt
Does it matter? Wanted to see the difference in them so going for both.
Practice will help me.
Just downloaded all three.View attachment 2012
Yes, I have lots of JVM modules - he's an old favorite. They just each need to have a unique name.
Above is my code - I will try to educate myself on {moduleassets} JVMA below * [file://c:\jvma] easy to understand and make changes.
JVMAAlt - <P><MAP id=cal name=cal><AREA href="swordsearcher://book/001 1-Jan" shape=RECT
*JVMA - <P><MAP id=cal name=cal><AREA href="file://c:\jvma\01_Genesis_01.mp3" shape=RECT coords=107,51,121,64><AREA
JVM - href="file:///{ModuleAssets}/genesis.pdf" shape=RECT coords=32,26,57,127><AREA
Thank you for the guidance!
Module assets is just an organizational tool - all the files called for by a module (images, etc.) can be stored in a folder tagged by the module name and coding is easier because when file:///{moduleassets} is used, SwordSearcher will automatically look for the file in the assets folder.

JVMA-Assets is linked to the JVMA module, etc.
JVM and JVMA 2 working.
Have I done wrong?
Below is the JVMAlt as I was interested in the fact it had somewhat different layout.
When in SwordSearcher edit (code) mode: it will only show one page at a time so earlier it sounded like you showed me the fix or I was on wrong one. Please forgive. Thank you again.
OK got it, so this tool is it available or is it code?
The calendar page - the first page in the module that shows the calendar has all the files listed. That's the page to be edited.


  • Image1.jpg
    725.7 KB · Views: 178
THIS is for the JVMAlt only...'
<P><MAP id=cal name=cal><AREA href="swordsearcher://book/001 1-Jan" shape=RECT
Would that go in above:
Here is my actual location that has my files
C:\Users\owass\OneDrive\Dave Private Data\SS_Scourby_JVM_Data\jvma