

Beta Tester
Brandon, you probably can answer this. Is it legal to create SS links to maps from another software package.

Specifically, Bible Explorer is a copyrighted but free download along with the free map module. I don't use Bible Explorer, but I like their maps. I have linked my Atlas module to their maps and added some lookup hotspots all within SS. I assume this is OK for my use, but can it be distributed to other people who also have downloaded this software?

I think it's fine as long as you are not distributing their copyrighted content. Making links to other material is not, as far as I know, in any way encumbered by copyright. After all, that's what the Internet is all about. As long as you are only making your own link module available, not distributing their stuff, I would think there is no problem.

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. ;)
I found some really nice maps that I have incorporated into my Bible atlas. I added hot spot links to the maps to look up material in the SS topic and verse guide They are available by downloading the free Bible Explorer software and then downloading the free map module once Bible Explorer is installed.

They are available at

The maps are in .PNG format. Since they are part of a copyright package, even though it's free, I can't give them out directly. If you want to download and install the package yourself then the latest Atlas should work for you. When you download and install Bible Explorer under Vista OS, it puts the maps in the following hidden directory:


My Atlas module assumes the maps will be there. If they are somewhere else, the links will not work. You will then have to either find and move the maps to the above location, or edit the links in the SS topics of Atlas that call the map files.

The new Atlas module installer is available here (about 30MB):

This module also includes links to reference maps from the CIA factbook. If you have not installed the factbook, this installer will put the reference maps in the correct location (not the whole factbook)

If someone gets this to work, let me know by a post. Thanks.

PS: If this seems like too much trouble, it probably is. I like maps.
I found a couple broken links which I will repair. I let you know when the updated atlas is ready.

There were 2 broken links in the Atlas - Paul's 1st and 2nd journey maps were in the wrong directory. All fixed now.

Here's the link: Modules/InstallAtlasBE.exe

The old atlas files were located in c:\program files\swordsearcher 5\images\atlas\ You can manually delete these files if you want after the new installer is done.

This installer will put the graphic files in c:\program files (x86)\swordsearcher 5\images\atlas\ based on where Vista puts files when you install Swordsearcher.
If someone gets this to work, let me know by a post. Thanks.

Hi Bones..
I'm still running XP and I have had BE4 for a while. I had to manipulate the directory structure and copy the images in, but it was worth it. Works Great!!!!

Thank you.. this is another great module for SS.

In Christ
Hi Bones..
I'm still running XP and I have had BE4 for a while. I had to manipulate the directory structure and copy the images in, but it was worth it. Works Great!!!!

Thank you.. this is another great module for SS.

In Christ

That's great. Thanks.

I found some really nice maps that I have incorporated into my Bible atlas. I added hot spot links to the maps to look up material in the SS topic and verse guide They are available by downloading the free Bible Explorer software and then downloading the free map module once Bible Explorer is installed.

Thanks bones...............I'm a map guy so I really appreciate and enjoy your latest and greatest.

Lord bless you..............

Job 40:18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.
There were 2 broken links in the Atlas - Paul's 1st and 2nd journey maps were in the wrong directory. All fixed now.

Here's the link: Modules/InstallAtlasBE.exe

The old atlas files were located in c:\program files\swordsearcher 5\images\atlas\ You can manually delete these files if you want after the new installer is done.

This installer will put the graphic files in c:\program files (x86)\swordsearcher 5\images\atlas\ based on where Vista puts files when you install Swordsearcher.

This is what I got today, January 12, 2019:

This item might not exist or is no longer available
This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to view it. Contact the owner of this item for more information.

I will search in modules for a Bible Atlas.
This is what I got today, January 12, 2019:

This item might not exist or is no longer available
This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to view it. Contact the owner of this item for more information.

I will search in modules for a Bible Atlas.

Please correct me if I am wrong @wsbones
I thought that at one time you had included all the map links to call the Topic and Verse Guide into your module located at

And since the old skydrive is now the new OneDrive, and I looked at the location there you graciously provide your material from, and didn't see it listed... my assumption was that the update and completed module is the one I just referenced? (but if not I think I have the BE4/WordSearch10 maps on an old HDD if I can ever find it again, and wonder if those would still work it might be worth the effort to search for them)
Please correct me if I am wrong @wsbones
I thought that at one time you had included all the map links to call the Topic and Verse Guide into your module located at

And since the old skydrive is now the new OneDrive, and I looked at the location there you graciously provide your material from, and didn't see it listed... my assumption was that the update and completed module is the one I just referenced? (but if not I think I have the BE4/WordSearch10 maps on an old HDD if I can ever find it again, and wonder if those would still work it might be worth the effort to search for them)

You are right. Thanks for answering.