Search results

  1. Regie

    Style and Format Cleaner

    When I use the style and format cleaner, is there a way I can have it setup such that it will not format it as Candara, Medium? I want the finished product to be XLarge. Surely there must be a way to set it up to do that. HELP.
  2. Regie

    Formatting problem

    After I did this chapter in the new module I am working on, I am noticing that it does not fill the full width of the book view. I have just now experimented with separating the paragraphs of a new module and then going into formatting it. It kept the paragraph separations and formatted the...
  3. Regie

    Blocked from editing

    Hello, I had computer problems and had to get some modules back from my pastor. Two of them will not let me edit them at all and I have not discovered how to get that problem solved. When I attempt to edit it, this is what I get: Editing functions are disabled for...
  4. Regie

    Poole's Synopsis Criticorum

    Has anyone hear ever heard of Poole's Synopsis Criticorum? Is it a good work? Should someone (you :) - or me perhaps - find it and put it in SwordSearcher? Or, is it the same as Poole's commentary which I have just started working on? Thanks, Regie
  5. Regie

    Quick way to re-format a complete module?

    My module of Philpot sermons has a lot of sermons with print too small (for us old people anyway). Is there a way to perhaps export that module (perhaps via Forge) and make it all uniform and bring it back into SwordSearcher? Thanks, Regie
  6. Regie

    Blank entries in a commentary

    I hope I can make sense in what I am about to write but I have combined maybe 15 or more (pure guess) commentary writers into 4 modules. I have named them P, PB1, PB2 and PB3. I am trying to keep each verses entries immediately adjacent to each other. For instance, if John 3:16 or any other...
  7. Regie

    KJV 1611 download?

    As I have today read that the KJV 1611 bible text is in the Deluxe library (or however it reads) - that does me no good when I try to find where I can download it onto my computer so I can start properly using my SwordSearcher program. I don't know what to do and I am getting tired and worn...
  8. Regie

    Newly created modules becoming uneditable?

    Anyone else ever had this problem? Or, is there a cause and/or a solution to solve it? Thanks, Regie
  9. Regie

    kjv8 missing

    I had to put SwordSearcher on another computer. All seems well with the exception that the kjv bible is missing from it. Nothing I have tried is getting SwordSearcher installed on this computer. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do? Thanks. Regie
  10. Regie

    Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ by John Owen

    I am about to begin working on this module for SwordSearcher. Has someone already done it or have the work in progress? Thanks much, Regie
  11. Regie

    Copying entire entry from one module to another?

    If I have an entry in module A and I want to put that entire entry into module B, is there a shortcut way to do it and not have to highlight the entire text in Module A, and copy it and then go to Module B and paste it in, afterward going back to module A and deleting the entry there? Or, does...
  12. Regie

    Modules with *bak extension?????

    Is there a way - if so how could I bring back into SwordSearcher files in my SS user module folder with the *bak extension? Thanks, Regie
  13. Regie

    Isa. and Is.

    As far as I know or remember, I have never had the problem of a text being shown as Isaiah 45:11-13 having Isa 45:11-13 on the top line being switched to Is 45:11-13 when I go to edit mode, which will not show up if I mouse over it. Has anyone here ever had a similar problem? Or, have I worded...
  14. Regie

    A Cluster of Canaan's Grapes by Tichborne, Robert, Sir, d. 1682.

    Does anyone have this in SwordSearcher? If so, where and is it downloadable? Thanks, Regie
  15. Regie

    Link to and from footnotes

    I am almost certain that in user modules I have created, that I have inserted links to and from footnotes, but I have forgotten how and my searching has not led me to find it. Can someone help me out on this or let me know that it cannot be done? Thanks much.
  16. Regie

    Larger pop-up window?

    As I am now working on a project, I took time to look up about Jonah and the gourd in Jonah 4:10 and moused over the commentaries. Is there a way Brandon that you can make those pop-ups much, much larger so we can see much more of the comments without having to actually go to the commentary...
  17. Regie

    Copying comments from one user created commentary module to another user created commentary module?

    I've decided to change from about 5 user created commentary modules with various writers in each module, to individual user created modules for a bunch of writers. I have tried it via Forge, which is very tedious IMO. So, lately, I have been copying via CTRL C and pasting into the new module...
  18. Regie

    Find and replace in red

    I am trying to do a CTRL H and find the word pg and replace it with pg in red. There must be a way to do it, but I have not figured it out. Any help will be appreciated. Regie
  19. Regie

    Moving commentary entries to a different module

    I am in process of copying individual module entries from one module to another. Does anyone know of an easy way to move an entry from Module A to Module B without going the long route from copying from one and pasting into the other, which is quite slow?
  20. Regie

    James Wells theology: Letters 1 through 57

    If anyone is interested in this new module, please let me know here or at