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User-submitted Big Picture Bible Study Materials 1.4
A Series of Mindmaps, Tables, Charts, and Reference Materials

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👍 Yep ! ! ! That's really good. Thank you for this study/module. It is wonderfully created..... let me poor myself a cup of coffee,☕📚 and dig in !.
Thank you Sir.(wsbones)
Using Word Trees instead of searching:
If this seems to complicated just ignore this post.

Here's a link to an identical module to BPT101 except it uses Word Trees instead of searches. If you want to try it, download and unzip it into the Swordsearcher user directory.

Here is the link -!AhxvuvB-C1YHhoEbTxIRCw14fYcYuQ

It will create another module BPT101.SS5book and another asset folder called BPT101-Assets. This will be about 51 megabytes in size and is identical to BPS101-Assets. If you want to save space on the disk drive, you can delete one of these folders and rename the remaining folder appropriately for the module you want to use. Don’t rename it while Swordsearcher is running.

A caveat:

All of the word trees for word clouds and word lists will work, but a some of the phrase trees will not work due to punctuation.
This is because word trees consider punctuation, but regular searches ignore punctuation. Here's an example using the new module, BPT101:

1. Click on Words, Clouds, and Trees in the main menu. This is the first topic (_index.html) in the dropdown selector. It should be the default when you first open the book tab.

2. In the bookcase picture click on Genesis

3. In the result click on Go to Three Word Phrases

4. Scroll down to the phrase, 32 years and begat, and click it.

5. You will see the message, "YEARS AND BEGAT" does not appear in Genesis (KJV). This is because the tree tool would need to look for
YEARS, AND BEGAT to produce a result.

6. Now close the word tree and click the first phrase, 93 the land of. It will produce a word tree.

You can use one of these modules that you prefer and delete the other, or keep both if space is not critical.
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Okay, I downloaded it into the same folder all my other ssbooks are, unzipped it, but when I open SS I don't see it under books.
What am I doing wrong?!! Thank you.

What folder did you unzip it into? It should be in C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules. You should find a module called BPS101.ss5book and a subdirectory in that folder called BPS101-Assets.

In your book window click the down arrow on the right (red circle) and see if it's in the list (red rectangle):
Okay, that file folder "C:\Users\Terri\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules" is empty.

My files are in this folder:
C:\Users\Terri\OneDrive\Pictures\PICTURES 2\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules

So the BPS101-Assets and the BPS101.ss5book I copied and pasted the zip file to that first folder that is empty, then unzipped it there. I closed SS and opened it again and it is showing up on my book list now, YAY

At first glance it looks like a very helpful tool, so I thank you very much for the module and for helping me!
Check this setting. You should probably add your OneDrive folder to this list if it's not there.
There might be some issue with OneDrive as the locations of module files. Maybe Brandon recalls about this. I don't sync my one drive files automatically and just use it for storage.

It seems like if your OneDrive folder is listed below that the BigPicture module would show up. Glad it's working now anyway.
Okay, that file folder "C:\Users\Terri\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules" is empty.

My files are in this folder:
C:\Users\Terri\OneDrive\Pictures\PICTURES 2\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules

So the BPS101-Assets and the BPS101.ss5book I copied and pasted the zip file to that first folder that is empty, then unzipped it there. I closed SS and opened it again and it is showing up on my book list now, YAY

At first glance it looks like a very helpful tool, so I thank you very much for the module and for helping me!

That little moment of "not knowing" where we did put the file..... 😱😢.
And then you find it !!!!
"Welcome to my world !!!!! 😁☕😁☕😁."
Amen, all is good for you now !
Check this setting. You should probably add your OneDrive folder to this list if it's not there.
There might be some issue with OneDrive as the locations of module files. Maybe Brandon recalls about this. I don't sync my one drive files automatically and just use it for storage.

I've found that SwordSearcher sometimes keeps the files in use, locked. So they won't *always* sync unless you close SwordSearcher. So it's probably best to get in the habit of closing SwordSearcher when you are done anyway, and that would help prevent opening the same file from multiple machines or locations too. I sync OneDrive (and DropBox acts the same) because I use a borrowed machine with my "own" user account, and notice the files don't sync automatically sometimes and so I restart the sync after closing SwordSearcher. I keep all of my user modules there.

Thanks for the Module wsbones :)