Getting Started with SwordSearcher Questions


Active Member
Hi there! I’m Nathan Parker, a new SwordSearcher user. By way of disclaimer, I also work for Accordance Bible Software and have large Accordance and Logos libraries. However, I still recently purchased SwordSearcher from the KJV Store and installed it on my PC (I used to be Mac-only, but I was recently given a Windows PC, so I have a chance to run SwordSearcher finally!). Even though I have large libraries, I still wanted to purchase and use SwordSearcher in my Bible study toolbox. For one, I wanted to support Brandon’s mission with SwordSearcher (I also use the KJV). Second, there are a handful of resources in SwordSearcher (such as the Hebrew text underlying the KJV) that will be super-beneficial in my studies. Third, I’ve found some of SwordSearcher’s search functions on the KJV to be super-useful in my Bible study.

I’ve setup a website of resources I recommend for students. See: I’d like to write up a section on SwordSearcher like I did on Accordance and Logos. What are some areas I should highlight in what I could write up on SwordSearcher?

Second, where can I download some user books for SwordSearcher, and what are some recommended user books I could download?

Lastly, I managed to get the Faith Comes by Hearing audio Bible installed and linked to SwordSearcher, but not I got an error message saying it couldn’t find some audio files. What am I doing wrong there?

Thanks again everyone for your assistance!
Hi there! I’m Nathan Parker, a new SwordSearcher user. By way of disclaimer, I also work for Accordance Bible Software and have large Accordance and Logos libraries. However, I still recently purchased SwordSearcher from the KJV Store and installed it on my PC (I used to be Mac-only, but I was recently given a Windows PC, so I have a chance to run SwordSearcher finally!). Even though I have large libraries, I still wanted to purchase and use SwordSearcher in my Bible study toolbox. For one, I wanted to support Brandon’s mission with SwordSearcher (I also use the KJV). Second, there are a handful of resources in SwordSearcher (such as the Hebrew text underlying the KJV) that will be super-beneficial in my studies. Third, I’ve found some of SwordSearcher’s search functions on the KJV to be super-useful in my Bible study.

I’ve setup a website of resources I recommend for students. See: I’d like to write up a section on SwordSearcher like I did on Accordance and Logos. What are some areas I should highlight in what I could write up on SwordSearcher?

Second, where can I download some user books for SwordSearcher, and what are some recommended user books I could download?

Lastly, I managed to get the Faith Comes by Hearing audio Bible installed and linked to SwordSearcher, but not I got an error message saying it couldn’t find some audio files. What am I doing wrong there?

Thanks again everyone for your assistance!
Many books/dictionaries/commentaries in: Modules. above.
TOTAL so far:

F1 for help....
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Hi Nathan,
Click on the modules tab at the top of SwordSearcher and take your choice. There are some user ratings to view. Here's the actual link for the tab.

Here are 2 modules I use personally a lot:

I use this one for teaching.

I have this set up to open when I double click a word. You do that in the SwordSearcher preferences tab (shortcut alt-F1). This might be too much information at this point.

Here is a snippet of my sync options in preferences. Note that I renamed the dictionary module with an underscore so it would sort at the beginning of the alphabetic list of books. If you download that module it might not have the underscore.

Lastly, I managed to get the Faith Comes by Hearing audio Bible installed and linked to SwordSearcher, but not I got an error message saying it couldn’t find some audio files. What am I doing wrong there?
First thing is to make sure you have all the files. Right-click your folder where you unzipped them and select properties... this is what I see:

Thanks everyone for the info! Do I need all the audio files from the unzipped file in a single folder, or do I leave them in their subfolders for each Bible book?
Welcome, Nathan!

SwordSearcher has so many outstanding features - take a look at the thread where many favorite features are listed ( for recommended areas for your write-up on SwordSearcher.

I can still see myself, Bible in hand, seated at a table (50 years ago), with a huge concordance, dictionary and commentary spread out, with big cans of food to hold those big books open where I needed them, trying to juggle everything as I studied God's Word. SwordSearcher is truly a blessing!
Just a quick note, when I just tried to download the Big Picture resources, One Drive tossed out an error that it may have been deleted?
Do I need all the audio files from the unzipped file in a single folder, or do I leave them in their subfolders for each Bible book?
Either way will work.
Great to know on the audio Bibles. I’ll try it again.

I get the same error on Big Picture Study Materials.

I’ll check those forums and writeup something on SwordSearcher for my website next weekend.

I also had a huge Strong’s Concordance once and a ton of print books. Bible Software has definitely made our lives easier!

I’m really enjoying SwordSearcher. Brandon has added some super-beneficial features especially for searching/studying the KJV. While I have huge libraries in other Bible software apps, SwordSearcher was definitely worth what I paid for it and will remain a part of my Bible study toolbox. When I need to quickly search the KJV or perform specific searches on the KJV, SwordSearcher is going to really come in handy. Having the Hebrew text underlying the KJV is another biggie. I have the TBS edition in print, but this is the first time I’ve had an electronic copy.
Welcome to SwordSearcher, Nathan! Glad to have you. I also have Accordance and Logos. I only use Logos for one thing (mostly): the Newberry's interlinear. I have never gotten my mind around much of Accordance's stuff: I sometimes use it, but not much. SwordSearcher is my daily workhorse, and I love it.

Although there are minor tweaks I might like in SwordSearcher, it does almost everything I wish it did, and what it does, it does with class! Brandon is a class-act programmer! I just wish we could make our own tagged Bible modules, since I would like to correct the tagging of the SwordSearcher-provided KJVSL as I find things I think are missing / incorrect, and (2) I have a foreign language Bible I'd love to tag to Strong's numbers.

Also, I would point out that I'm not pretty sure the TR module in SwordSearcher is not quite identical to the Trinitarian Bible Society's text. I use BibleWorks (still!) for an accurate Scrivener's edition.

P.S. Until December of 2022, I ran SwordSearcher in a VirtualBox virtual machine running on a 2018 Mac Mini. Because of problems with VirtualBox, I went with Parallels, and now SwordSearcher (and BibleWorks) run perfectly well in Parallels 18 on the Mac Mini.
Thanks for the welcome! I’ll DM you about Accordance.

I’m impressed with Brandon’s programming skills! There are such delightful innovations in SwordSearcher!

I never got a chance to buy BibleWorks. I was going to buy it, then they went out of business. I see that TBS did post their TR online I can access. I’m also considering buying their new typeset leather edition (I have the old leather edition).

Good to know about Parallels. Has anyone tried running Windows on an Apple Silicon Mac? I’m still on an Intel Mac for now, but I am getting an Apple Silicon Mac this year.
All I have to add is WELCOME! Much joy and blessings in spreading the Word through this wonderful program. There are many helpful folks here, along with the many posts and links to resources. I can assure you Nathan that you'll be glad you signed up.
I got the section on SwordSearcher up on my website. Let me know if I should add anything else about it.
Hi! If I could add a suggestion to your write up, it would be where you wrote " additional purchases except for a couple of add-on Bibles", I would change that part. There is only one add on Bible (NASB) offered. I have purchased all the resources offered and they benefit me greatly in my study. You can find the list of add ons by other publishers here: Add Ons by other publishers.
I like your site. Take care. :)
Got it edited. I wrote:

There are no subscriptions. There are three optional purchases, an add-on Bible and two useful add-on reference works. I linked the three optional purchases to the link above.

I went ahead and purchased the commentary and the other work. They both look extremely beneficial. I didn’t buy the NASB 95 yet since not sure if I need it. Years ago, I heavily read from the NASB. Now I’ve pivoted back to the KJV, so I haven’t been using it.
That is great. Thank you for taking my suggestion under consideration and updating your site.
I stick with the KJV. I do not use the NASB module much. I do love the other modules.
I really like your site. Great resources on there and I can see you put a lot of time into it. May God use it and you mightily!