Search results

  1. E

    English-Strong's Indexer (ESI): Why is "conversion" present when searching for "conversation"?

    I'm wondering why "conversion" shows up as a hit when searching for "conversation", since they there is no semantic relationship. I guess it's because they start with the same letters. Is that something that is fixable, @Brandon Staggs? Thanks, Eric Screenshot:
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    FR: fly-out Reading Schedule panel via Widget or similar

    Although I had previously started to use the Reading Schedule in SwordSearcher, I never stuck with that electronic (computer) method of documenting my Bible reading. I don't recall now why, but maybe it was because of what I found inconvenient with the Reading Schedule panel. Right now I'm over...
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    Forum times are wonky on my computer

    It is approx. 12:53 PM Eastern Time in the USA as I write this. I added my “3:51” comment this moring at about 6:51 AM (morning) my time. These times (e.g. 3:51 have not even been lived by me yet! Only by God’s grace will I get there. But this forum software says I’ve been there. Hmm. EDIT: The...
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    Commentary that sends links to all its Bible references to the Bible margin

    I have a commentary module in which I write my own notes on the Scripture on a per-verse basis. Because it is a SwordSearcher commentary module and not a SwordSearcher book module, the only links to my user commentary that show up in the margin when reading the Bible are the links to the one...
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    How to search and eliminate several similar words?

    I'm putting this conversation between Brandon and me here in the forums so I can find it in the future. :) Note that according to White's Dictionary of the King James Language, Volume One (p. 122), "'Donkey' is a modern name for the ass, first used in A.D. 1785.") Eric: Brandon:
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    English-Strong's Indexer: cursor focus automatically to search field

    I would find it helpful if every time I go to the ESI panel the focus would automatically be such that my cursor is in the search field. It is there if it has been closed and is re-opened. But if the panel is left up (behind others, in my case behind my custom layout of panels), when I make it...
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    FR: "Scan Text for Verse References": prevent "i.e." being interpreted as a verse number

    Often I need to edit the text pasted into the Scan Text for Verse References tool (Alt-F5) to prevent the "i" in "i.e." from being included in verse numbers. It'd be nice if I did not need to do that. Here is an example. The text pasted in is the results from the English-Strong's Indexer's...
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    FR: search within English-Strong's Indexer

    This may already be there, but I can't find a way to search the English-Strong's Indexer panel (pop-up). I tried Ctrl-F, right clicking the mouse for a context menu, and I then tried the "Edit" menu. I would find this useful. Sometimes the hits in the E-S Indexer seem enigmatic to me: I guess...
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    FR: dedicated location for margin links pop-up

    Perhaps some discussion on this will show that no new feature is needed, but that rather I need to change something I'm doing. So here is my preliminary explanation and desire: I use the margin links very frequently: almost always. The way SwordSearcher's margin links work, if there is only one...
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    Keyboard shortcut: move to next hit in module linked in margin

    I think I've forgotten this, since I'm pretty sure I used to know how to do it. Next to a verse there is margin link to a module, and in that module (actually chapter of a module) several times the verse is mentioned. How do I move from one hit to the next? I looked in the keyboard shortcuts...
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    Find all instances where the Greek word εν is translated in the KJV as "by"

    Goal: find all instances where the Greek word εν is translated in the KJV as "by". When I use the English-Strong's Indexer (ESI) by means of Search > English-Strong's Indexer (or Ctrl-F2) to find all the Greek words translated as "by" in the KJV, I scroll down to εν (Strong's Greek #1722). The...
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    Pls recommend tablet for elderly use

    Hi, everybody, (Background: I have no experience with tablets on any platform. I use SwordSearcher on a Mac via VirtualBox.) I would love recommendations for a tablet that will run the full version of Windows. I think my elderly mother would benefit from the Bible reading audio. The tablet...
  13. E

    How to find a word and punctuation

    I have a Greek language user Bible module that includes the diacritical marks (which are not present in the TR module that comes with SwordSearcher). I want to search for all verses that have the word ἔλεγον in them and also have a question mark in them (well, the Greek question mark looks like...
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    Search vs. English-Strong's indexer

    Hi, Brandon, When I do this search ("sir @g2962" w/o the quotes), I only get one hit: Mt 21:30. But, when I use the English-Strong's indexer, I get a lot more hits where κυριος is translated as "sir" in the KJV. I did the same thing with "master @g2962", and only got 2 hits. But the ESI got...
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    Allow module shortcuts to have more than one letter assigned

    Hello, Brandon, I use module shortcuts all the time. I think I might have mentioned this somewhere else, but if it were possible to assign multiple letters to a module, that would really free up some shortcuts. E.g., I'd love to make the shortcut to the TR module be "Ctrl-TR" or "Ctrl-Alt-TR"...
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    Keyboard shortcut for "Send Book (or "Commentary") Link to Editor"

    Feature Request for Brandon: I use this function all the time. Since I try to use the keyboard and not the mouse very much, a keyboard shortcut would be helpful. The one I use most is "Send Book Link to Editor".
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    Search for two words in a certain order, but not next to each other

    I hope I haven't asked this before :) In the TR module I want to search for the Greek words και and δε in that order, but not when they are contiguous (which they never are). I know I can search "for verses with ALL of the words specified", but that gives 1431 vv., and they are mostly false...
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    Hi, Brandon, I searched in the forums for something on Bible timelines, but I don't see that it's been brought up as a possible future feature. I realize it would be a major undertaking, but … I would love to be able to have a Bible timeline that would have pre-made "layers" with the research...
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    Can I put a PDF into a user book?

    Can I put a PDF into a user book? I just searched the forums, but didn't find anything that answered my question? If so how can I do this? Will the text in the PDF be searchable in SwordSearcher (if it's made from a program like Word and saved to PDF, or if it's been OCR'd)? Does it just link...
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    Can hyperlinks to SS verses be added to user module information & work?

    I haven't tried this, so I'm just asking up front: Is it possible to use links like this <a href="swordsearcher://bible+kjv/Ge 1.1">Genesis 1:1</a> within the "AuthorDetail" section in the headers of the pre-Forge files so that when one opens up the the Module Information (right click on...